Over the years I learned about acquisition of holdings. It is more the development of proper identity and trusting in relationship as party in interest.

The survey is important as it establishes the literal groundwork. The constitutions, both State and federal must be signed as a party in interest but not as an official. The oath of office is obviously one signing as a party in interest but the office is defined and a salary set, describing the law duty and boundaries. So we should describe what constitutions precede what.

The first American soil constitution is called the Fundamental Orders of 1639, with the Date of the signing clear in the title. The first written constitution then is likely found as the "curse" entered into at Nehemiah 10, found in the Holy Bible. This was the Laws of Moses binding officials called TIRSHATHA, marshals installing Babylonian rule in Jerusalem after winning an eleven-year civil war with the People - the Israelites against the conquering Jews returning from Babylon capture.

As I have described in The Gospel of Pragmatism these same Babylonian emissaries (Three Kings - Magi) began grooming Jesus at fifteen months of age for his position as Messiah of Israel. Under the Prophet Daniel BELSHAZZAR and over seventy years time it was not so much the Israelites being trained into Babylonian Jews, but that the Babylonian Sorcerers and Astrologers (Chieftain over which was Daniel) were learning about the Israelite concepts of Separation (Creation) and Reparation of two breaches - primarily found at Genesis 1:3-4. [First we divided God and Light; then Light into Light and Darkness.] Once the Babylonian Magi had mastered the concept of Twin Messiahs (Christians call them First and Second Advent) they were ready to start watching the night sky and offer gold, frankincense and myrrh (an expensive tomb discovered in 1980), plus a scholarship to any esoteric and public library Jesus' brilliant mind could consume:

And the bookkeeper can be king so long as the public is kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping. All science is a means to an end.

The means is knowledge. The end is control. Therefore the only issue remaining is who will be the beneficiary? - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars by Hartford VAN DYKE
The Babylonians assumed correctly that when the imaginative and rational reflexes (male and female/right and left brain) were equally blended (Mary, Mother of Jesus felt healthy, loved and orgasmic to properly imprint a balanced ego (both male and female orgasmic energy/ejaculation can induce conception within moments while still surrounded by mutual orgasm) with Jesus at Conception while making love with King Archelaus HEROD). Mixed with a healthy, literate, educated and inquisitive mind, Jesus explored upon his "scholarship" during his twenties and sure enough, the Magi had concocted the recipe for the brilliant Biblical Prophecy demonstrated in the ancient writings of Israel. Read Dr. Rick STRASSMAN's books - DMT - The Spirit Molecule, and DMT And the Soul of Prophecy.

You might have to be patient in order to understand why I would have you identifying with Jesus in order to acquire "ownership". I will get back to the thread in the morning light. For now, the opening post I will share the Golden Ratio plate for bracing the Catwalk (Bridge to Nowhere) on my Castle - CASTLE CHURCH - For the Redemption of the Office BISHOP. Also I intend to develop the main Survey, The Charter of Freedoms and Exemption Granted to Patroons, that precedes the Fundamental Orders by ten years - 1629.

I will add a pentagram and large Fibonacci Spiral on the joints, rising off the right side upward and curving around to the left out into space, welded on to the steel fifteen feet below. When the stones are built up around the steel I will make it hinge into a gate out on to the oval platform in the form of the Castle's steel balconies. Sure! I am having fun but this is the only artwork of mine, and it is not really art - it is math mimicking nature. All the future art will be mimicking James Roland BISHOP (Jim Bishop) and his monumental building efforts to date. Jim has become very ill with a rare cancer and so finally, (I have owned the Castle since 9/11/01) I exercise the control of ownership to brace up the otherwise frightening invitation for the beneficiary public to explore out onto the Catwalk.

The intention of this thread is to describe my journey to owning, which is to say become the Trustee with Control. It is all such. Nobody owns anything unless they Create (or co-create) if you will. Jim, my good friend is an artist and so trusted me with Refusal for Cause shortly after I took ownership of the Castle, accepting my offer to salvage the Art from state seizure:

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