Texas Prepares for Sovereignty if U.S. Defaults - Rep. James White Files Texas Self Sufficiency Act HB 568
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State Rep. James White has proposed a bill that will require the leaders of Texas to start crunching the numbers and figure out what Texas would look like if it had to be self sufficient... limited or no federal support.... OUR OWN COUNTRY.... oops, I am getting a little ahead of myself, haha. Hey, I didn't say secession but that certainly comes to mind when thinking about the federal government having a financial meltdown and cutting off most or all support to the States.

What would Texas do in the event that the United States of America defaulted? It is a very real possibility that one day the massive U.S. debt will become so large and unsustainable that it causes a financial meltdown. Texas, and pretty much everyone else, would all of a sudden be faced with no more federal funds (which is really just Texas tax dollars given to the feds which is then given back to Texas). Yes, Texas is already a sovereign state, but what would we do if faced with complete sovereignty and no federal money?

What would Texas do? That is actually a GREAT question. It is something you might not have really thought of before because, well, government is mostly reactive and not pro-active so they wait until something is a problem and then they try to deal with it.

State Representative James White is thinking ahead. He does not want to have to wait until Texas gets cut off from the federal government to determine how Texas will manage on our own. White wants to start planning now.

Bottom line, this is a great bill and it is really thinking ahead. With the way America is going, it is a very real possibility that federal funds to Texas could be drastically limited or even cut off completely in the event of a financial collapse. Texas needs to be ready and know what to expect.
Source: link.