It's not about terror, rather awareness of potential probabilities based upon the evidence. The answer could be here. Ten minutes of this and you KNOW why they're even building underground cities to hide.

A mutated 'altered' form of Morgellons disease in chemtrails? This one should open your eyes to the current WAR that is going on against freedom, level by level, it is being stripped away from the people of the US, and a police state to enforce a new world order can be implemented. Sounds like Nazi Germany to me. Martial law? People actually voting for it?
This shouldn't be shocking to anyone, Lyme Disease was created on Plum Island Bio-Warfare special research division(the RL Raccoon City)& released into the bird & deer population. Big Pharma & The World Criminal Banker Cartel want to exterminate us all. How sad for future generations, unless more people are willing to take a stand against this great evil now, nothing will be left for our posterity.