Student Slams Principal to The Ground in Massive Brawl at Florin High School - California

Published on Oct 28, 2015

H.S. Student Slams Principal to the Ground During an Intense Brawl. Florin High School Principal Shoved to Floor, Students Arrested.

Three Florin High School students were arrested Monday for their involvement in an on-campus fight during which one of the students shoved Principal Don Ross to the floor.

Ross was trying to break up the fight in the lunch room when the student shoved him down.

Ross quickly got back on his feet and helped restrain the student who had shoved him while other authorities, including a school resource officer from the Sacramento Sheriff's Department, stepped in to help.

Two of the arrested students are 15 years old and the other is 13 years old, according to the Sacramento Sheriff's Department. Two were arrested for battery, one for making threats.

The fight was captured on camera and uploaded to YouTube.

Contacted at home by FOX40, Ross said he wanted to emphasize that the fight was unusual, and that many positive things and great student achievements happen at Florin High.

The fight involved a small number of the school's 1,500 students.

Ross looks forward to returning to work, added district spokeswoman, Xanthi Pinkerton.

Ross sent this letter to Florin High parents Monday:

WOW! How sad is that? O.B.E. plus cultural Marxism has really ruined the state of American education. In the old days we kids never
would've even thought of doing such a thing to our educators or principal