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Thread: China Goes Red: Chen Duxiu And The Founding Of China’s Communist Party

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    China Goes Red: Chen Duxiu And The Founding Of China’s Communist Party

    China Goes Red: The Forgotten Chen Duxiu And The Founding Of China’s Communist Party

    Attachment 3691

    Despite the cloud cast over the history of China, Chinese communism was organized by the same faces behind the establishment of Soviet Bolshevism and the overthrow of Russia. Can you see the destructivist arm of Marxist-Leninist philosophy manifesting itself in America today?

    Note: Today, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is said to have more than sixty million members.

    The man who, in 1921, founded China’s Communist Party (the CCP) was writer and teacher Chen Duxiu. Chen Duxiu felt that just putting a Western patch over the hole in the Chinese heart would not be enough. There must be “destruction before construction,” he said, agreeing with Liang Qichao’s philosophy of Destructivism. China must rip out its traditional core and begin again. It must do whatever is necessary to strengthen itself and re-join the ranks of the world’s respected countries. “A loathsome nation,” he said, “is worse than no nation.”

    Chen Duxiu felt that the belief of the typical Chinese in divine authority contributed to the Chinese acceptance of human authority. Thus, for him, throwing off the yoke of a heavenly tyranny was a fundamental step which had to be taken before the Chinese could throw off the yoke of worldy authoritarianism. {BUT THEN EXACTLY WHAT DID THEY PUT IN ITS PLACE?? NOTE THE HERETICAL GNOSTIC DOGMA LURKING BEHIND THE SCENES RE DEMIURGE, BEING AGAINST THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MANKIND, ETC.} The choice was, for him at least, easy to see… “There are now two roads in the world. One is the road of light which leads to democracy {MOB RULE}, science, and atheism. And the other, the road of darkness leading to despotism, superstition, and divine authority.”

    Chen Duxiu felt that anyone who supported democracy must necessarily oppose Confucianism, along with its outmoded codes of ritual and old-fashioned ethics– including the moral condemnation of unchaste women {THEY PROMOTED WOMEN'S LIB AND "FREE SEX" IN ORDER TO CATALYSE DESTRUCTION OF CONFUCIAN CHINESE CULTURE}. (like many of those kicking against the Old Ways, he was enticed by the Western idea of Romantic Love– and seemed to support “Free Love”– an idea considered racy even in the West). Everything must go. According to the authors of that remarkable book on modern Chinese political history, Wealth And Power, he personified his two main reform-wishes as “Mister Democracy” and “Mister Science.”

    Chen Duxiu thought the Chinese view of young and old was symptomatic of the fundamental problem with China’s outlook… “The Chinese compliment others by saying, ‘He acts like an old man, although still young.’ Englishmen and Americans encourage one another by saying, ‘Keep young, while growing old’.” In his work, A Call To Youth, he extols youthfulness and disparages agedness…

    “Youth is like early spring, like the rising sun, like trees and grass in bud, like a newly sharpened blade. It is the most valuable period of life. And the function of youth in society is the same as that of a fresh and vital cell in a human body. In the process of metabolism, the old and the rotten are incessantly eliminated to be replaced by the fresh and living… If metabolism functions properly in society, it will flourish; if old and rotten elements fill society, then it will cease to exist.”

    What was needed in China, he maintained was youthful, vigorous action- or what we might today call, “pro-active” initiative. The Chinese should not passively await the advent of Liang Quchao’s benevolent dictator, but should take matters into their own hands. He felt that any new government simply presented to the Chinese people would be mere “political windowdressing.” What was needed was the self-motivated action of the majority.

    Joining the ranks of the disillusioned after the global catastrophe that was the First World War, Chen Duxiu realized that the West had a distorted view of patriotism… “In their eyes, patriotism seems to be another word for harming others.” He said that the Chinese patriotism he envisioned meant “a country that seeks happiness for the people, not a country for which the people sacrifice themselves.” A state’s most important job, he maintained, was “to protect individual rights and to enrich individual happiness.”

    Interestingly, the founder of the Chinese Communist Party (the CCP) was himself cast-out during the era of Stalin in Russia, and Chen Duxiu ended his life as neither hero nor villain– but in obscurity. And he did not live to see Mao Zedong’s Communist victory over Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalists.

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    Sidney Shapiro, formed head of of Communist China’s propaganda.

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    Mao meeting with Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, and Solomon Adler.

    Frank Coe is said to have been the mastermind behind "the Great Leap Forward" which: "resulted In the end, through a combination of disastrous economic policy and adverse weather conditions, an estimated 20 to 48 million people died in China. Most of the victims starved to death in the countryside. The official death toll from the Great Leap Forward is "only" 14 million, but the majority of scholars agree that this is a substantial underestimate".
    Israel Epstein served as Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance)
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    David Rockefeller meets with Zhou Elai, 1973.

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    Mao meets with Sidney Rittenberg aka Li Dunbai (Chinese name).

    Sidney Rittenberg (August 14, 1921; Chinese name: L? D?nbái ???) is an American interpreter and scholar who lived in China from 1944 to 1979. He worked closely with People's Republic of China (PRC) founder Mao Zedong, military leader Zhu De, statesman Zhou Enlai, and other leaders of the Communist party during the war, and was with these central Communist leaders at Yan'an. He witnessed first-hand much of what occurred at upper levels of the CCP and knew many of its leaders personally. He was the first American citizen to join the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    Establishment of the Communist Party in China resulted from meeting of an organization allegedly called 'Jewish-Communist International' in Shang Hai. Lenin and Trotsky via Ovsei-Gershon Aronovich Radomyslsky Apfelbaum sent Gregory Voitinsky to China to make contact with leftist intellectuals such as Chen Duxiu who advocated the Trotskyist theory of Marxism.

    In 1921, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and other prominent revolutionary leaders founded the Communist Party of China. Chen Duxiu, was the dean of Peking University. Chen had participated in the Xinhai Revolution in 1911 which overthrew the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China.
    Last edited by allodial; 03-15-16 at 12:39 AM.
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