Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
2) Please provide and [sic] example of the currently recommended "Counter Demand".

Is this sent First Class, Certified or Registered?

A counter demand? Not sure what you mean. You make the demand at every transaction, optimally. When you say "counter demand" it comes to mind a refund demand at the hardware store. So they are giving you cash back in refund and they want you to sign the list. I figure this is endorsement of private credit for the FRN's. So I just sign it "Lawful Money." No problem.

I thought they might give me some difficulties but by the time I sign and they see, the cash is already in my pocket.

A great way to get around it is put the cash in your pocket, then pull out your camera and take a photo of the list. The cashier will usually take the list away and waive your signature requirement. Since they would be sharing your signature with the next refund request applicants anyway there is no privacy. So the list was yours to photograph when they requested you sign it.

This is good for petitions too. They are a good way to collect information. Also, churches are very free with their Member Lists if you hoard such things.