Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
I gain no benefit from reinstating the DL card. The STATE gains all the benefit from that action. My intents and purposes are righteous in nature and NOT for profit or gain. My use of that card prevents the roving agents/LEOs from committing unlawful trespass and kidnap/arrest against me. I am helping my fellow man and woman to not sin against me and I am protecting my children from unnecessary roadside strife and anguish which they are too young to understand.

My use of the DL tool is strictly at arm's length.
I agree that no benefit is gained from having a DL. This makes me think that I cannot be the beneficiary in this scenario.
I've been giving this topic a lot of thought because I'm currently in the process of getting a CDL, and so far every step of the way has stunk to high heaven, including the reason why I should need a CDL in the first place.
According to the CDL manual itself, my activity (transporting 14 or fewer paying mountain bike instruction customers to and from a trail in an old re-painted short bus) does not require a CDL.
I've contacted the Tennessee Department of Safety about this in writing and they refused to provide me with a written response in this matter. But they informed me by email and in a phone call that all I would need is an "F" endorsement on the class-D DL.

By contrast, the Tennessee State Troopers who inspect the vehicles of the outdoor outfitter companies for which I work have taken it upon themselves to demand CDLs for anyone driving a former re-purposed short (Headstart) school bus, no matter what the CDL manual or Department of Safety say.

It seems to me that the STATE is the beneficiary of the DL and we are being tricked into the office of trustee when we sign in the NAME of "our person" and provide "our SS number". Because we appear to enter into the office of trustee, which they offer to us (after all, getting a DL is "voluntary"), we then become stuck with the office of fiduciary.
They collect all the license fees and they get to invent ever more "laws", some of which are impossible to obey all at the same time, so that they can keep running up the punitive charges on us "drivers" and collect huge amounts of revenue.
I believe this makes them the receivers of benefits, and us the trustees who have to do all the paperwork and the paying, but who receive nothing of value in return.

Say it isn't so, but be ready to make your answer square up with the reality of DL fees, traffic fines and road blocks and stops.