Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
The debate over wages and taxes has been argued for way too long, so as such is lawful money versus fiat currency. It all falls under other property to which is the after thought of man, not the creator. It's time to stop beating ones head against the wall expecting different results, how about changing direction once in for all, this could go on for days.
We cannot all save the world, maybe Jesse just does not want to open up to other possibilities and is just happy with whatever he is doing currently ? Cannot change someones mind unless they want to change. (free will and right to self determination).

Here is another issue worth debating, are you a label or are you part of the land (natural resource). Check out this fascinating blog post a friend of mine wrote:
Another group discussion on this has been started here as well:

- Part of the Peaceful Inhabitant vs. Enemy Combatant series of thought, you know from the JAG manual for armies in the field, how do you want to be marked and identified from the military occupation? Yes, they do use a procedure called identity markers in their computer systems to which are linked together and talk to eachother and that also includes I*R*S*.
No Motla68, "wages" and taxes hasnt been argued properly!
Why do you want to derail and change the subject of my thread?
You sound like controlled opposition......steer away from the truth kinda thing.