Quote Originally Posted by Jmi52 View Post
Hello All,
I am a brand new member of the suitor club so I apologize in advance...
I have been following this site along with a few others just trying to grasp hold of the hold idea of redeeming lawful money. I get it, I do. I've ordered my stamp and I plan on implementing this remedy on everything I do.
The long and short of it is I am a 30 y.o business owner who is just getting started. I purchased a mobile food unit in October and we are set to launch in about a month or so. I presume most all of our sales will be cash with a few exceptions where customers may utilize Square-Up https://squareup.com/...payment from a smartphone.
What are the definitive steps someone like myself would need to do in order to rid myself of the IRS in all my business dealings. I have no accounting or business background (the business aspect I'm leaving to my fiance). To be honest I am completely lost with the whole accounting aspect of it. Being a 30 year old female, when I explain what I am doing to my friends and collegues they are totally lost and more or less look at me like I have 10 heads. Yes, I am quite ahead of my time But have no one to help me. We've filed our LLC and DBA with Pennsylvania. Being as though we created our LLC back in October and are not even up and running- thus no income- I have just been filing zeros on my quarterly statements.
Any suggestions or help or feedback would be most appreciated!
Congratulations! Welcome to StSC too. It is wonderful to have you along.

Quote Originally Posted by Treefarmer View Post
Hello Jmi52, welcome to the club.

Trading goods and services for cash is a great thing in my experience, because with cash one does not have to beg a bank to give it utility, as one does with a check, at which point one may be considered to be engaged in a "trade or business" with the United States. That would be taxable.

You cannot expect to "rid" yourself of the IRS when you apply for a TIN and an LLC. That is akin to jumping in bed with the IRS.

DH and I once had an LLC and it proved to be a complete waste of time and resources for us. Our tax payments were always higher than our income (popular meaning of the word), after we paid all the bills.
Great way to go into dept.

We dissolved the LLC and went back to business as usual, dba XYZ CONSTRUCTION (DH is a carpenter), except we only accept lawful money for payments anymore.
This works much better for us.

We are not required to file 1040s anymore, because our numbers are too small, but we file 1040EZs anyways, for the EIC and other reasons.


I do not see how that will work for your business with fast food customers flashing their cell phones at your scanner to pay within a second's time while you crank out 90 Minutes of work for a full day's wages. That electronic edge is obviously built into your business plan.

The only method I can think of depends on:

They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand...

So make your demand and then do whatever it takes to do business and thrive. There are some threads where I outline the process here. Search my posts please. The process is to get your evidence repository set up and notify the nearest Federal Reserve Bank. You serve this notice to your bank and that is done. You have this all done and in your evidence repository and get ten certified copies - that ten will last you 2.5 years; understand? You submit one as an attachment with every quarterly filing of $0 taxable income.

If the IRS gets nasty about it then you talk with them (get everything in writing though). If there is something wrong with redeeming lawful money then we are all interested in hearing about it. Especially me.


David Merrill.