There are hundreds of Libels of Review already filed on that presumption. When the "judge" is assigned at filing the new suitor inquires, Is this an Article III judge? The clerk of court answers, Yes it is.

Either the clerk is lying or ignorant/incompetent.

However the clerk is competent to keep an accurate record. So you now have the "exclusive original competence" of the United States government through your $350 evidence repository.

[Sometimes I wonder though, because of how often the clerk of court forgets to use the adhesive and only tapes up the flap on mailing envelopes. This is against postal regulations and renders the material worthless if you are competent and apply Rules of Evidence in your kitchen table court. How do you know what you are reading is what the clerk of court sent?]

The problem with RIVERA and CLASS for that matter is they are busy describing how you do not have anything going for you in the federal court because of the incompetency there. Rather than how to become the court of competent jurisdiction by record-forming. When you become the only court of record you carry that authority.

Here a court of competent jurisdiction Ordered the clerk of the local court to reinstate his driver license. Notice the role of the federal evidence repository.


David Merrill.