Quote Originally Posted by Seosaidh View Post
What profit or gain is there associated with receiving lawful money in exchange for my time or property (not from business)? Since I'm not receiving private credit, but rather lawful money, it's a 1:1 transaction, no profit or gain, therefore not income.

Or am I thinking this through too simplisticly?
There is no profit or gain when one exchanges the agreed upon value (supply-vs-demand) of their work/labor directly for Lawful Money of the United States, instead of choosing to accept Federal Reserve issues of intangible "bills of exchange" known as FRN's.

It is a 1:1 exchange transaction like you had stated above.

Every human+being has always had the unalienable natural law (God's perfect Law) right to contract with others to exchange the mutually agreed upon value of their limited resource work/labor directly for whatever form of payment they so choose to accept.