Quote Originally Posted by martin earl View Post
We have from time to time posted about the ~300 Million in Gold coins returned to the Government in 1933-34 by public holders in FDR's "New Deal". I have postulated that it is these exact gold coins that "back" our demand for lawful money per 12 USC 411. I also have postulated that above the $1 and $2 'dollar' denominations, currently issued "FRNS" are in fact, 2 faced Notes, on the left of the note, the FRN, on the right (both sealed and separated by clear and defined boarders) is the US Treasury Note.

I agree with David he has found at least part of these coins, available to public viewing (since it is a public trust and they are public property), he can link that here if he wishes.

Also turned in by the public were 400 million in US Gold Certificates. Now, read this:


"To save $2,000,000 worth of nylon, paper, ink and printing, Treasury employes will dust off some long-stored bundles of pre-Roosevelt Federal Reserve gold notes, put $4,200,000,000 worth into circulation. They won't be, as promised on their face, "redeemable in gold on demand." Like all New Deal Federal Reserve notes, they may be exchanged only for "lawful money of the United States," i.e., smaller bills or coin."

Seems the Treasury itself held on to those Gold Certs and are so desperate to keep new FRNS from being issued, they are returning said notes to circulation!! This is more evidence to me the Gold coins were also held by the US Treasury! Of course, it seems the GOLD offered in redemption of the 400 million Gold Certs is not there any more, since the soon to be re-issued GOLD CERTS can only be redeemed or "LAWFUL MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES".

I have long held there are people at the treasury quietly working to get remedy from the FRN out to the public. Maybe the re issuance of "old gold certs" and the notice they are "redeemable" will get more people asking questions?

Article from July 13th 1942