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Thread: Federal Reserve agents

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  1. #9
    Anthony Joseph

    Are you making a claim? If so, for or against what? Did you issue or create what you are claiming for or against? Do you have the resources and military might to defend it on your own?

    Either way, you are torting the system since ALL gold, silver, title and property have been seized by the occupying military government of the United States by the extant and ongoing executive order(s) of the POTUS. "Ownership" is now qualified in that it is only a privilege from the State; the privilege being if you choose to trespass and make adverse claims of "ownership" amidst the emergency bankruptcy war of commerce being waged, you will be accommodated by being held liable and responsible for the claims you make. This is UNDERTAKING as Michael Joseph has clearly described.

    The contract regarding FRNs has been opened to the general public and they have been distributed among the populace since 1933. The evidence of that is 99.99% of the people are trading and "profiting" by the use of FRNs. The law of necessity supercedes man's law; we still need to eat, drink and obtain the necessities of life in this day and age where these necessities are mostly gained by trading with the paper baring the seal of the Federal Reserve. However, there is another seal on the right side of the note (1789) which signifies the dual capacity of that paper; there is a choice for those who are compelled to use that paper in the public realm to demand lawful money of the United States. This choice MUST be offered else there is forced servitude via the compelled use of another's debt.

    This demand is executed in love for our fellow man in that we choose to deal in proper balances and just weights and measures, easing the burden on our brothers and sisters. We choose NOT to order up more debt by signature endorsing (the overwhelming convention) the elastic nature of the false balance system of the Federal Reserve (FED) foreign banking interests. This conventional act of "voluntary compliance" places a first lien on ALL the assets of the United States public trust by the FED. If the demand for lawful money is rightly heard and acted upon, the trustee will diminish the National Debt by the amount we choose to "non-endorse" and keep the converted energy in the U.S "public pot" rather than in the hands of foreign profiteers. That, however, is up to the trustee(s) of the public trust since they are the ones who swore an oath to protect and serve it in honor.

    In my opinion, an assignment (acknowledgement of what is already true) of ALL interest in the NAME (FIRST MIDDLE LAST) to and for the account of the United States pursuant to Title 12 U.S.C. §95a (2) must be recorded in a lawful court of record and sent as notice to the U.S Treasury in order to dispel ANY and ALL presumptions of false and adverse claims in the NAME by those using it in the public realm. This "assignment" means the United States not only profits and gains from each instance of use, but also incurs ALL liability as well.
    Last edited by Anthony Joseph; 06-08-13 at 11:52 PM.

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