Quote Originally Posted by Frederick Burrell View Post
God did not build houses for use either, so are you suggesting that we all live back out in the open.

You seem to be caught in a duality of spirit vs. matter. They are but degrees of the same thing. Not opposites.

Just as hot and cold would at first appear to be opposites. On closer examination be see they are but degrees of the same thing. Darkness and light would be similar. darkness would be the extreme absence of light. The more light the less of what we call darkness.

It would seem some today are seeking perfection through the law rather than through forgiveness. This creates as repressive system, with more and more controls being exerted to attain the desired goals. This is a repudiation of the Chritst. The mind, devoid of its connection to spirit, seeking perfection. We have made the mind our god. Rather than the indwelling spirit. Christ as the head of the church. Christ being the indwelling spirit. chruch representing your body. I travail in birth pains till Christ be formed in you. fb
No, home is in heavan Phil 3:20. I am just camped out here until I return home. The house here upon earth is a house of record which is passed on through the legacy being that we are witnesses here, a couple members in Coresource are now calling it a sanctuary, for me the the jury in my mind is still debating that one.

No duality here, I am even physically providing sweat equity to divide these things, returning paper to the state and returning the earth back to the people through some volunteer work showing people how to grow their own food and providing for those who are physically unable to do so.

“Blessed are the peacekeepers for they will be called the sons of god (Matthew 5:9)” and will be protected by divine providence.

“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” (Mathew 5:17)