"When one studies issues involving Nationality & Birthrights, one begins to understand that Laws of Civilizations come from the natural people of Nations.

And if you are not part of a Nation you don't come under National or International Law.

Therefore, you are not recognized by the Nations of the Earth; because Law deals with the interchanges made between natural people across the planet, and has generally, always been that way.

And the (Nations) have governmental principles that are universal in their character.

These international principles are not unique to us necessarily, they are universal in their character. So when one deals with other Nations, there are certain universal and fundamental civil principles that are expected from you, when others communicate with you.

And if you don't display a basic knowledge of such rules of order, then you are in violation of Divine Law, (from whence the principles of government law is derived). One may be deemed as being outside of the Law or considered to be what is called or referred to as an “outlaw”.

Such a circumstance may be assumed by the natural citizens of a nation and government; and by virtue of such conditons or status, may do whatever they want to you and get away with it." —Taj Tarik Bey, G.S. http://rvbeypublications.com/

22 USC § 141 to 143 - Repealed. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/22/141