Oh there you are. Most agents of disinfo went silent for a few days there and I wasn't sure if you were writing a new article or ... well nevermind that.

I searched for Bobbinsville and found no such village but I did find a Robbinsville, North Carolina. Is that where you're from? I understand the term "---ville" denotes a village. And the term village derives from "vill" - a cluster of tenant farmer houses from way back when. A status just above serfs, these tenant farmers were required to stay on the lord's manor to which they were attached by birth. The tenant was also called a villein, tilling farmland assigned them on shares while still making payments to the manor lord.

Fast forwarding now, who are today's serfs & villeins? Wouldn't it be fair to say those toiling in the system of central banking unaware of the alternative? As we've learned here, simply by not endorsing private credit of the Fed, we commoners owe no tax, we legally owe no homage to the manor lord. Now the spread of this new knowledge would be quite upsetting to the manor lord, no? Seems natural to me he would send out village agents to disrupt the dissemination of that new knowledge, make it sound like it wasn't even true.