The best part of the letter is the admission, and the extant belief/understanding by the FED, that U.S. notes (redeemed lawful money) are NOT to be used as a reserve - U.S. notes are inelastic currency.

The significant part of making the demand per 12USC411 is the desire to direct one's converted energy and labor (via the FIRST MIDDLE LAST transmitting utility) toward the public good and NOT toward the increase of the interests of the private and foreign bank known as the Federal Reserve via ordering up more debt credit by conventional signature endorsement. This is an honorable and peaceful stance amidst the commercial war being waged.

The other part of the equation is to make it clear that one makes NO claim of ownership/title to ANYTHING in the FIRST MIDDLE LAST; pursuant to 12USC95a(2), ALL reversionary interest in the NAME is assigned, conveyed, transferred to and for the account of the United States. The profit and gain from ALL use of the FIRST MIDDLE LAST is realized solely by the United States as beneficial owner; we are third party beneficiaries through this agreement and we exercise special interest in the beneficial use of the FIRST MIDDLE LAST (and any rights, property or accounts therein) as special ministers for the public trust. We desire to assist the injured and wounded on the battlefield of commerce by facilitating discharge/set-off via the designated U.S./State/County/local City municipal trustee who is obligated to administer the affairs of the FIRST MIDDLE LAST in honor and according to the law(s) they serve.