The Temple Cleansed Again.

[This chapter is based on Matt. 21:12-16, 23-46; Mark 11:15-19, 27-33; 12:1-12; Luke 19:45-48; 20:1-19.]

At the beginning of His ministry, Christ had driven from the temple those who defiled it by their unholy traffic; and His stern and godlike demeanor had struck terror to the hearts of the scheming traders. At the close of His mission He came again to the temple, and found it still desecrated as before. The condition of things was even worse than before. The outer court of the temple was like a vast cattle yard. With the cries of the animals and the sharp chinking of coin was mingled the sound of angry altercation between traffickers, and among them were heard the voices of men in sacred office. The dignitaries of the temple were themselves engaged in buying and selling and the exchange of money. So completely were they controlled by their greed of gain that in the sight of God they were no better than thieves.

"I either consented to give a SSN and sign a W-4 or I did not. What I am claiming the employer did to me is so obviously wrong legally as to be almost self-evident. Other than "did this really happen?" there is no debate!! Unless you want to argue that it is somehow okay that my employer coerced me!"

Feds serve America every day. They serve in every corner of the country doing the business of our nation. They're committed to the health, safety, prosperity, and well-being of every American. We salute them. We admire them. We believe in their dedication and we believe in their cause. Our brother’s keepers.

Manontheland, I guarantee you that if you asked an IRS agent what Subtitle tax were you purportedly liable for, the answer would be a Subtitle A "income" tax. That makes your employer taking your money and handing it over a "withholding agent" which is defined at 26 USC 7701 (a)(16), which further describes who a withholding agent can withhold from as found in 26 CFR 1.1441, 1442, 1443 and 1461...all of which are foreign corps, foreign orgs and non resident alien/foreign persons.

Here at the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM), we're charged with meeting the needs of these Feds—all two million of them—providing for their health, managing their benefits, and promoting their cause. What we do requires an elite workforce with the energy, skills, expertise, and personality to help run our nation.

That means that there was misrepresentation of the facts, undue influence, deceit, trickery and a lack of full disclosure of the knowledge that under 26 CFR 31.3402(n), you could have filled out a W-4 certifying to not having a Subtitle A tax liability as you are not a foreign person. Now how can you possibly form an intent to avail yourself of a purported tax liability without all the cards on the table? You couldn't. That makes the signature on the W-4 form "unauthorized" and effectively a forgery.

Federal employees should eat their own cooking.
Because most Congressional staffers are poorly paid, but are paid enough to not have eligibility for the Obamacare subsidies that low-income Americans will receive, losing their current health insurance subsidies would be a big financial blow. Many members fear that their staffers would leave for better-paying jobs in response.

26 CFR 1.1461 creates a liability on the employer if he continues to withhold when you make the claim of exemption from a Subtitle A tax. The definition of withholding agent is one who is allowed to withhold from a 26 CFR 1.1441 foreign person, a 1.1442 foreign corp. or a 1.1443 foreign organization. If you are not one of those, then the authority to withhold is destroyed, making the employer vulnerable to be sued. It's really not a matter of "standing up" to the IRS.

Employees of the IRS and the Department of Health and Human Services should also be required to join Obamacare’s exchanges. Not surprisingly, federal employees are unhappy about that prospect. The labor union representing IRS agents has urged its members to tell Congress that they are “very concerned” about such an outcome. At a House Ways and Means hearing yesterday, acting IRS commissioner Danny Werfel endorsed this view. “I can speak for myself—I prefer to stay with the current policy that I’m pleased with, rather than go through a change,” said Werfel. Werfel likes his plan, and wants to keep his plan, as President Obama promised he could. Not all Americans will have that luxury.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management:

Elaine Kaplan was appointed as Acting Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on April 15, 2013. She served as OPM's General Counsel from March 17, 2009 to April 14, 2013, before taking over from then-Director John Berry at the end of his four-year term. As General Counsel, Kaplan has provided legal and policy advice regarding all aspects of Federal personnel management to Director Berry and to officials across the Executive Branch. The Washington Post reported last month Berry may be in line to be the next Ambassador to Australia.

Multi-State Plans:
In one of our newest responsibilities, OPM will establish and administer the Multi-State Plans set out in the Affordable Care Act. The Multi-State Plans will be affordable, quality health insurance options made available on the Exchanges currently being established in each state and the District of Columbia. Our most important deadlines for Multi-State Plans will come this year – so the plans can be in place when open enrollment begins on October 1.

Why is it that they always use the term District of Columbia like it’s a place of its own?

Our mission, oh boy, look who at the reprehensive picture they have as their mascot. OPM provides human resources, leadership, and support to Federal agencies and helps the Federal workforce achieve their aspirations as they serve the American people. " We're responsible for keeping the government running smoothly — a responsibility that has daily consequences for every citizen.

It's a matter of reading that code and being in compliance with it or get your butt handed to you in court.