Quote Originally Posted by Jaro View Post
Obviously then, you know nothing about contracts. A voluntary use of a benefit constitutes an agreement, i.e. a contract, which makes one liable to obey the rules of the benefit provider. An involuntary use of a benefit, does NOT constitute an agreement, and consequently can't subject one to any liability. Duh!

I thought you guys would have learned it by now, especially since that's what you're doing when you demand redemption of your paychecks in lawful money. Without that demand, your use of FRNs is VOLUNTARY, which makes you LIABLE for income tax, among other things. But making that LM demand makes your use of FRNs INVOLUNTARY, which means that you can't be held liable for the national debt. And FRNs are a United States BENEFIT.

It's the same with other benefits also, especially with benefits which they WON'T let you cancel, like the SSN. You just can use those under PROTEST, since they are required to get a job and function in a society. It's basically a counter-offer, which gives them a choice to either cancel that benefit, OR let you use that benefit without any liability on on your part.

Don't forget, in states of the Union, United States is just another corporation, with the exception of interstate commerce.

Excellent analysis.

Absent accommodation, absent suretyship, without prejudice and without recourse and demand is made for lawful money per 12U.S.C.A.411 by:

A creator is liable for his/her creation. It is so simple. The only way to make someone else liable is if they VOLUNTEER to be liable! Ref CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST. Ref Common Law = UCC.

Michael Joseph