Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
To me though, this entire thread is a bit childish; like kids sitting around the Ditch behind the high school smoking pot.
Ahh...those were the days!!

Childish, yes however that is where conditioning starts, and do we not start were we stopped? I think this is fun, we tend to forget the basics and we must build on a solid foundation (One thing I have learned painfully well). In a society identity is an agreed upon set of parameters that applies to ones who agree with it by their consent. (I am keeping this at a Macro level and assuming groups of fleshy thinking things, so don't kill me) Of course, there will never be total agreeance or adhereance to those principals but a loose frame work. Tom-a-to,Tom-ah-to but we understand it is a red fruit (some people think veggie) we slice and put on sandwiches. Also I believe the trick is agencies or other entities attempting to ensnare you don't identify you at all, they let you do it to yourself or confirm the assumption.
Guy: Excuse me are you, Mark Brinton?
Me: Yes.
Guy:We have a warrant for your arrest.
Me: Damn!

OR Is this YOUR SSN?

Now that I think of it doesn't claiming of property (even if it isn't yours) also imply Identity?