continued from previous post...

Is not God able to provide for a man? Did not God create all man? Is not the Kingdom OF God and therefore all that is belongs to God? What then of man? There ONLY lies a Choice whom man shall serve.

Deu_30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Now then, we are Redeemed by the Sacrifice of the Body [Flesh and Blood] of Jesus IF and only IF, we place our Trust in Yehoshuah, which is to say we Obey not in legal duty but in love - we sincerely repent of lawlessness in sin and rebellion. Therefore Yehoshuah is my Redeemer, my Savior in whom I trust.

For I cannot redeem myself from sin whilst I am in sin. And therefore as I stand before the throne with Satan [as the D.A.] - I am naked and guilty. I am absent hope as I have a debt that I cannot pay. My only hope is to place my trust in my Advocate [Lawyer] - Yehoshuah who has the ability to redeem my debt before the Throne of Righteousness. So I admit in my guilt and I plead in Christ.

But I ask the reader, how can I plead in Christ if I have not submitted myself to Christ in Obedience? I would be a pretender. For how can I both stand on my own and in Christ simultaneously? Either I am without debt [absent sin] and able to stand before the Throne, or I am with sin and unable to stand. If the latter, then I require that my debt be redeemed if I am to have my debt settled [zeroed]. Else I remain in slavery to that debt bondage. Which is to say ALL SIN LEADS TO DEATH. Which is to say in sin, Satan is my master. For who has power of death? A: Satan.

Heb 2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
Heb 2:15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

So we see that Yehoshuah in obedience to God [He was absent Sin] overcame Death [which is Debt - for all sin leads to Death]. But the REWARD in only in the hand of the Righteous who place their Trust in Yehoshuah. Else, there only remains Mercy. For those absent Trust in Yehoshuah lack standing before the Throne. Actually we all lack standing before the Throne but those in Yehoshuah do not have their Debt accounted as there is Redemption of their Debt.

Therefore man is indeed naked. As was Adam/Eve's report - they declared they were naked. They lacked a covering in clothes and in law. As they FREELY and WILLINGLY submitted to Satan in obedience [they ate] and in disobedience they cut themselves apart from God.
