Quote Originally Posted by Goldi View Post
Roads are paid by gasoline taxes, schools are paid by property taxes. Income taxes, according to the Grace Commission report cover letter are used to pay the interest on the US Debt and to transfer payments [social security, welfare, etc.] http://docs.law.gwu.edu/facweb/jsieg...taxes/debt.htm The only reason income taxes are still in place is to attempt to soak the buying power out of the pockets of the people to keep the sham of a monetary system afloat for as long as possible.
It is articles like this that shows you that you are not the owner of your land and your just a tenent of the property if you don't pay the tax to live on it.

So then who owns the land?

Treasurer John Petalas said the Internet-driven sale collected that from 1,360 parcels from among a total of 9,000 properties whose owners failed to pay overdue taxes and special assessments. It also represents a bidding frenzy on a smaller amount of commercial sites. He said one property where the tax debt was $14,762 was sold at auction for more than $280,000, and a second property with an $81,000 tax debt sold for $541,000.

Petalas said the $21.6 million figure includes $4.7 million in taxes and late penalties county, municipal and township government officials can keep
(that must be nice, keep and do what with it).

The remaining $16.8 million is the surplus value that will be paid either to the delinquent owners who lost their properties or back to the buyer with a small profit if the owner redeems the property by paying 10 percent of the successful bid.

Petalas credited the success of the online auction conducted by SRI, Indianapolis-based auctioneer, which received bids around the clock from people across the country.
