[QUOTE=Chex;11756]It is articles like this that shows you that you are not the owner of your land and your just a tenent of the property if you don't pay the tax to live on it.

So then who owns the land? [QUOTE]

When a property is mortgaged, the singular title on it, the land patent, has to be shelved so the title can be split. The legal title then goes to the occupant of the home, the "owner" and the equitable title is then available to be held by the county assessor/treasurer. When foreclosed, the bank gets the legal title to convey. Who gets the benefit of the profits, fees, rents, surpluses of investing the "res"? The equitable owner. Who pays the fees, fines, taxes? The legal owner. Isn't that what is going on with property taxes? The counties MUST hold an interest in the property to be able to bond it up. That's how they are doing it.