
Another great start to my nearly unending education from here to Sui Juris club. I suppose that the simple matter of even just providing public notice and not recording may be sufficient, as I think in Colorado if you break the marriage LAW they try to sanction you as a member of the BAR.

Going down another road might be making a claim based on the FSIA that I am one of the people and such and such and then finish with the whole marriage enchilada. Maybe that is clouding the issue here as I brought in a whole new stream of thought along the lines of Albert Barecroft and the FSIA.

Like I said if you are stuck in the system and one way to get out is possibly a novation of sorts, eliminating the State as a party, or trying to. If you take the legal marriage and attempt novation and divorce by agreement at the private level what can the State do?


Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
Thank you Chex;

My simplistic approach is that there is a public notice of your marriage to the State at the county clerk and recorder office. That is actually where you were married, and you chose to have (I presume) a religious ceremony afterward where the ignorant pastor may have even required to see that you were married to the State prior to the ceremony.

I recall when I was married I was so ignorant that I showed the marriage certificate to the pastor after the ceremony. He was annoyed that I insisted and tried to explain how I was defiling the Christian ritual by showing it. I treated him like he was some kind of fringe outlaw! I am ashamed of myself now.

The State proceeds on the presumption you are married UNDER it. Grab the Reception # of the certificate and both of you sign an affidavit that you are married Under God and do not resort to the State for privileges regarding love, sex and issuance of children etc. If you have the marriage certificate signed by two witnesses found in many bibles publish that too.

P.S. Notice how neither spouse signs a marriage certificate. The authority is in the two witnesses. Publish that at the county C&R and your whole county bears witness to your marriage to God, and your recantation under knowledge (Fornication Under Carnal Knowledge = FUCK) of your ignorant marriage to the State. Quit fucking with the State and it will quit responding in kind.