This is why Coresource Solutions position has not only been to make use of a limited signature indorsement expressing a lawful money intent, [12USC411 - (if you still must make use of a bank account for the NAME)] but much more importantly to send everything back to the Treasury as the Widow did, and allow the Treasury to do what it is designed, created, and commissioned to do, without any interference from us trying to do their job. Since it is widely accepted and recognized that Man cannot directly engage in commerce, why do we feel the need to have our own personal bank account? Isn’t the Treasury good enough? It is the position of Coresource Solutions that it is!

In Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, the third definition for the word deposit is,

“lodge in the hands of a person for safe-keeping or other purpose; to commit to the care of; to entrust; to commit to one as a pledge. We say, the bond is deposited in the hands of an attorney; money is deposited as a pledge, or security.

Now, notice a nearly identical definition in Webster’s 1913 Dictionary, number-3,

“To lodge in some one's hands for safe keeping; to commit to the custody of another; to intrust; especially, to place in a bank, as a sum of money subject to order.

Now, notice definition number-7 of the same dictionary,

“That which is placed anywhere, or in any one's hands, for safe keeping; something intrusted to the care of another; especially, money lodged with a bank or banker, subject to order; anything given as pledge or security.”

So then, if it, no matter what, “IT” is, has been given to them; or to any of their officers, then it has been pledged to them. Remember this the next time a Police Officer asks you to give to him/her a drivers license, registration, and proof of insurance, and you do it without expressing to him/her that these documents are for his/her benefit and not for your own benefit, because they belong to the STATE and not to you. Hmm, is this another hint as to how a pledge is unknowingly and unwittingly expressed as the Colonel said? Furthermore, every single time a deposit is being made into a bank account wherein the NAME is being indorsed upon its backside, a pledge is being made; a pledge that attests, affirms, and elects for bankruptcy and insolvency according to what the Colonel said. This is why, at the very-very least, a limited indorsement showing the intent of lawful money is imperative, and needs to be expressed by whoever is putting the indorsement upon the backside.

Finally, I believe this is the reason and purpose for, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21; Mark 12:17; and, Luke 20:25) Primarily this is showing that if you do not render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, such as his form of money and his documents, you have affectively pledged your allegiance to Caesar by an implied trust of association, which can be assumed by the holding onto the things of Caesar, but more so because of the mindset of, “That is mine,” or, “It belongs to me,” or, “I am the owner,” which then can be directly equated to liability and thus trusteeship, suretyship, and fiduciary duties.

This is why it is impossible for any man to serve two masters; meaning, no one can serve both the Creations Creator and the Creation of the Creator in and for love, and Money/Caesar at the same time. Therefore, the solution for any potential double mindedness is in the admonishment to, “come out of her [Babylon] my people are partake no more of her sin [debt],” which is through the creation of debt, and by participating in that world as a debtor/sinner/slave which ultimately will end up in death, decay, and destruction because of bankruptcy and insolvency, resulting from not rendering the debtor/sinner/slave things of Caesar, back to Caesar.

We were all born without money, and since money was never created in the beginning by a famous line such as, “Let there be money,” why have we come to believe that we have any need for it? It is the Treasury’s duty and responsibility to handle ALL the money. So let them. The world that our Father loves and sent Us into, is a world of giving, forgiving (correct the mistake) and trust, wherein this kind of trust is to, “Love one another as I have loved you.” The only way to honor such a great gift is to give from that which you have freely received, because, “Freely you have received, therefore, freely give.” There is no charging or discharging in giving and gifting, therefore, there is no need for accounting, records, or credit reports. Such thoughts are considered by far too many to be utopian and therefore impossible. So then, for those that believe these things not to be possible, I dare you to dream of a better way, because ultimately WITHOUT giving, forgiving and trust, you can only have bankruptcy and insolvency.

So then, let us all focus our energy on making the Treasury what it was created to be and bless them by allowing them do their job and make the burden of living life much more pleasant and enjoyable than mankind has ever experienced since before the foundation of this world was laid.

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I would like to think this has been both enlightening and beneficial to all.

Peace be upon you.