I agree that the gospels were written with inspiration from God, but they were written by men, and have been translated innumerably by other men since, so there may have been a lot lost. But taken as a group, the gospels contain a lot of truth, and provide the best allegory for interpreting the condition of man with respect to his creation. As Jackson Browne puts it, 'you've got to bring your own redemption when you come.' That redemption comes from knowledge, but the tree of knowledge is static; the tree of life is where we are meant to work out our redemption.

As to the Federal Reserve, 12 USC 411 provides us with a path to redemption from the debt tyranny established by the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Bankruptcy Act of 1933 (establishing a usufructuary trust of all Federal assets), and the subsequent Executive Order banning gold contracts and redemption of paper money for gold. These corrupt and unConstitutional acts of crooked politicians established a debt tyranny scheme whereby the banksters could indebt everyone and then live forever off the interest on that debt. The Federal Reserve Act granted to a private corporation (the Federal Reserve) the right to print paper money based on debt. This was a right that the Congress did not have, so it was not theirs to grant to others; the whole scheme was/is unConstitutional. They got away with it by making it optional, but then used every possible vile trick to suck everyone into their scheme through implied consent. But 12 USC 411 allows individuals to refuse to deal in Federal Reserve private debt securities, and by choosing lawful money, to redeem their estates from the Federal Bankruptcy Act. Doing so eliminates the voluntary servitude created by the 14th Amendment. Redeem yourself; choose lawful money. End the Fed