I have heard many good things about Karl Lentz; however, in all my studies, I found that "using common law" currently under this state of emergency ain't going to fly. I do not mean to suggest EVER, but mean suggest rarely. With this said, I asked the people in the group of Not a Citizen what opinion they had of Karl. [really because I did not want to take the time to listen to the talkshoes] - this is some of the feedback I got:

He [Karl] also appears to believe the bankruptcy is no big deal and said, so what. That is the US government that went bankrupt, not us. While that is true, he seems to not get the real ramification of it. The States also went bankrupt.

One guy was trying to point out how the States are required to use only gold and silver as money, but he seems to think that doesn't matter either stating something to the effect, well this how the State rolls now.

I don't think he knows how the Government not only went into bankruptcy and continue to operate under it today, but how they also seized all titles to all property along with having taken all the gold and silver from the States and the private sector removing everyone's ability to pay anything. Everything since the bankruptcy is supposed to be discharged, not paid for by the people as a debt. The US Government took on the liability to pay all debts when they entered into their bankruptcy. That is in their own statutes at large stating the Comptroller of Currency is to pay all the bills.


I listened to Karl Lentz talk and while I can see some of the stuff he says making some sense, he seems to be confused on his beliefs in other areas.

For example, he says if you owe a debt pay it. While that may be correct in a normal sense, it is not correct in today's world based on the current system. He also contradicts himself here because one part he says we are the creditor. Well how does a creditor owe a debt when all credit comes from the man?

How does a man pay a debt with no money to be able to pay a debt?

When all there is is just an "internal" currency created for "internal" use within the Government between its federal reserve system, federal reserve banks, and all national banks, and FOR NO OTHER PURPOSES ARE AUTHORIZED, and that "internal" currency is just DEBT itself, HOW can a man ever possibly pay a debt?

When a government removes all money to pay a debt with from the private sector, and replaces it all within an "internal" currency, and a government seized ALL TITLES TO ALL PROPERTY, including title to the commercial legal Names, HOW can a man possibly pay any debt?

HOW can a man even possibly have a debt?

ALL existing DEBT is all debt owed by the Government, not private men. ALL CREDIT created comes from the energy of men using the commercial name held by the State!


I heard some claim success using his process, which of course I have my own beliefs as to why they could work because by claiming to be a man and not a artificial person, that in itself places the court into corner where they cannot address that issue without exposing the truth of what is really going on. So to protect the truth from getting out it pretty much forces the court to just dispose of the case just to conceal the truth, which by dismissing it that gives those the belief this process is valid and the way to go.

I believe it is the same manner where some use the executor of the estate stuff where if done right that places the court into a catch 22 position where if they continue they expose the truth thereby forcing them to just dismiss and dispose of the case.

Think about it. What is the court going to do? Publicly state you cannot be recognized as a man therefore you cannot invoke common law? Or publicly expose you cannot be of any office of executor for that estate because you are not a party to that estate and can't be any such thing because the State s not appointed as such a thing over its estate?

AGAIN I AM NOT LOOKING TO DEBATE KARL OR HIS WORK. I wanted to know what some others thought. Some think he is great and others think he is not so great. In the beginning I used to think Tim Turner had all the answers, then we move on to learn differently.