I recall when in my teens a young man mentioned to me that Gay is not such a problem (for him) as a sexual preference as it is a problematic political agenda. I am a little embarrassed how easily I adopted what sounded like an informed opinion. [Therefore please compensate for projection/reflection in my recent perceptions.]

Thanks for bringing this topic up. I have been studying Gay as a political agenda for the last two years in a religious microcosm called Science of Mind. The local congregation following (channel) Ernest Shurtleff HOLMES prolific writings was a thriving and warm learning experience as of September 11, 2011 with a parking lot sermon with congregants bringing their pets - genius! The Spiritual Leader (beautiful older woman, heterosexual as far as I could tell) was like that almost every week, in this case the sermon on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 held little sting - being that everybody was celebrating our pets.

Science of Mind is probably the most non-judgmental religion around and among the Christian setting in Colorado Springs it is surprising that it would catch on at all. Science of Mind is centered out of Golden north of Denver. Therefore there is a certain attraction for the Gay community to find a harbor, especially in the western Bible Belt here. [The Senior Editor for Science of Mind Magazine is Gay.] There was sudden turmoil and emotions ran high when the Spiritual Leader was being fired and the Core Council would not disclose the reasoning to the congregants. People began to leave in droves, especially the more wealthy couples who really loved the church.

An interim Spiritual Leader was called in from Texas to smooth over the financial problems and she did a good job getting the church through the 'visiting pastor' stage of the financial crisis. Other congregants (I have never been a member) dearly wanted a new Spiritual Leader and the Gays rallied and even put on a mock election by bringing in a contender to the blatant homosexual for the job. He even appointed a Gay man for the position of Assistant Pastor. Don't get me wrong, this man is a wonderful and uplifting speaker with great talent. That is not the point I am getting to though.

Needless to say the congregation is growing emphatically, with new Gay people replacing the strait families who depart. There was a booth at a local Gay Parade called Pride Fest and this happened at a time when some Straits made mention of the dropping of "Gay" to only "Pride Fest" when this Gay promotion was being delivered from the Platform on Sundays. They were met with the typical reverse discrimination for being bad people.

I attended the classes available for preparing to become a "Licensed Practitioner". This is another aspect I will touch on shortly here, maybe developing the State Law later. Licensed Practitioner does not say anything but the implication that the State is licensing the meta-physicist to practice... something. See? There is no descriptor! After completing two years of classes, some 180 credit hours I mentioned the metaphysics of proper ego development being a blend of male and female orgasmic energy in context of FREUD's social taboo against female ejaculation; how this might be breeding sociopaths because of lack of female sexual energy during conception. An energy imbalance. I meant it purely in the scientific context of metaphysical spiritual energy around the physiology but the lesbians in the room took the opportunity to get me ousted from the Practitioner Training Program. [No loss - Licensed Practitioner is a fraud. I was never planning to get a license to be a meta-physicist. I was simply researching the generic formula for the layman to study and apply metaphysics.] My example is redacted even for the teacher because of the First Requisite. This Requisite however leads the Licensed Practitioner into liabilities due to a fraudulent representation "Licensed" (by the State) while feeling bound to hide crimes revealed by a "patient" confessional.

Something you mentioned struck a chord. But rather look at marriage as a trust indenture for a moment. Trusts live as persons. And "normal" marriages issue living offspring, perpetuating life from the trust. However marriages between same-sex partners while allowed to duplicate the trust indenture are by natural virtue dead, or preset to die because no same-sex intercourse has ever produced a child. You mentioned civil death. This stems from the very nature of licensing, making legal an otherwise criminal act. Look in a family bible and there are a few pages dedicated to the lineage, evidence the marriage trust lives on.

I suppose the point though, about my perceptions with the experience is that the symptom of a Gay political agenda is primarily an effect of reverse discrimination. There was an emotional injury that blasted the 'immune system' protecting against an abnormality and that abnormality took over like a disease - homosexual reverse discrimination from a Gay Political Agenda. It would be great if I was Gay I suppose.


David Merrill.