This response has more to do with David's experience with Science of Mind. I worked for a SOM church for 7 years as a "bookkeeper". Well I was more then just a "bookkeeper". This particular church was a fair size; however, the "trustees" running it along with the pastor, shall we say, were not quite able to run their own lives effectively, never mind a church. This "religion" was created by Ernest Holmes, I believe in the 1920s and it really came to flourish in the 50's, particularly in CA. As a matter of fact, the annual get togethers were held in Asilomar. I never went.

I want to address the actual teaching before I get the people involved. The teaching is wonderful and if you can apply those life principles, there is little doubt whatsoever - you WILL begin to see some awesome results in your life. I am so very grateful to that church for helping me through a very rough time about 15 years ago. It was after that time, I began to work for the organization and saw behind the "scenes". Needless to say, the politics, personal agendas, back-stabbing, and all around EGO no one could believe. And please take note, I am not talking about minor little "no one is perfect minor incidents, as we all fall short. I am talking about intentional and some very detrimental actions taken by church PTB to really destroy the church.

The good thing was I studied so much the spiritual aspects and this brought me to profound places - to the point in time, I am studying law and the amazing parallel between spirituality and the literal effect we are facing today as a planet with the PTB bringing about the pain WE CHOOSE to force us to get back to the Creator. We learn through love or pain. Humanity is choosing pain at all levels on the mind, body and soul levels. It is going to get much worse UNTIL we WAKE UP. And this is very serious - as the signs are truly around.

Allodial, I really do not care about what appears to be a "gay agenda" or not. I see through out, this blog all this gay stuff. I guess it was not accidental, I saw David's post about SOM and I somehow was drawn to this particular one. But if someone is gay or not gay, s/he is still part of God's creation. That soul, portraying gay or straight, black or white, jew or goy, or whatever is REQUIRED by Universal Law to play that role this incarnation to learn something and/or atone for something. It just really does not matter if it is 2 men, 2 women, 2 women and a man, a man and woman - whatever AS LONG AS IT IS NOT IN YOUR HOME - really it has no importance. I believe part of the gay agenda, If you will, is the fact that we all have to learn we are NOT separate and are a part of the ONE. And honestly this really sucks because it appears we are separate but this is just an illusion. This is OUR job is to over come the appearance of the illusion so we can get back "home" meaning back to the BLISSS that is a part of Our Inheritance from the One who created us.

There is going to be gay marriage throughout the 50 states. Let us get over it and you know why? It has nothing to do with gay whatsoever. It has to do with merging non-corporate entities, it has to do with marriage penalties in the income tax code, etc. The government does not care how it gets those FRN back out of circulation - it just has to do that. Why anyone would get married, gay or straight, is beyond me. You do not need a license to live with someone, in theory you love. And David, as far as that practioner license, you do not need a license to pray for someone. Can we see the parallels? All those "stupid licenses" were being issued by Religious Science international [close to bankruptcy from last I heard a few years back], which is now merged with another similar group that broke off in the 50's [I forget the name] and now I believe they created Center for Spiritual Living International. It is all just a political game. Again the organization has helped many people - it is just full of many that from my point of view lack integrity and honesty.

It is the same thing with the health kare law or barry-kare. Does anyone in their right mind really believe this has anything to do with health-kare? It has to do with 1/6 more control of the economy. You sign up under barry-kare and your health records needs to go to the IRS and Homeland security - please. Does everyone agree that the more sick society is, it is good for national economics? It is my belief there is a cure for cancer, aids, really anything that ails anyone - and it is all suppressed - it really has to because it would be bad if 50 cent natural pill replaced a $10000 treatment.

Do you want to go over the energy crisis? They killed the electric car - they actually crushed them when people were willing to buy them. Do you want to discuss the war on drugs or military. It all has to do with increasing the credit for the bankrupt US. Nothing more nothing less. It has nothing to do with repubs or dems. It has to do with YOU ACTING AS SURETY FOR THEIR AGENDA.

Anyway - I got off topic. I hope, for those reading this and if you are searching for what life is all about kinda stuff, you take a look into spirituality, as I see it and have been learning now for a while, the state is a 100% accurate REFLECTION OF THE SPIRITUAL CRISIS WE AS A PLANET ARE FACING.

If this resonates with you, you can look into Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, and other info Christian Science, Divine Science, Spiritism. This stuff has really helped me. Again it is not for everyone and it should not be taken as "I got it all together", I don't but I am sure working very hard. Tony