David, I would like to start a new thread in honor of 100 years of Federal Reserve dishonorable behavior, titled 'Presumption of Voluntary Debt Servitude.' It will define the legal structure of our present situation, which should then shed some light on how to extricate the free man from the statutory government.

100 years ago the US government chartered a central bank, the Federal Reserve (see 12 USC). The primary feature of this central bank was that it had/has a monopoly on loaning debt to the government. It does this by issuing non-interest bearing notes (a note is evidence of a debt) called FRN's, in exchange for interest bearing Treasury bonds (a bond is evidence of a debt). These bonds are then sold to the rentier class or retained by the Fed; interest is paid on the bonds yearly. The initial charter was for 20 years, so in 1933 the charter came up for renewal. By this time, the US (corporate) government had borrowed enough money to be unable to pay the interest on it, so Congress passed JR792 (a Joint Resolution is not law, and only applies to the corporate government) admitting that the federal government was bankrupt, and FDR issued a presidential edict creating a trust, and pledging all the assets of the US (corporate) government into the trust, to be held by the bankers as collateral for the now unpayable debt. At the same time, the Labor Department began issuing birth certificates (a certificate is proof of ownership) for all new-born Americans. By issuing these certificates, after first registering the birth (regis: king; registration assigns ownership to the king), the US corp-gov was claiming ownership of its citizens, and pledging them as collateral for its debts.

Since there is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the govt to claim ownership of its citizens, the legal sleight of hand began with the creation of Social Security, posited as a 'social contract' which would provide security for Americans in their old age. The SC later ruled that SS is not a contract, it is a welfare program, but it is also voluntary, and taxes may be collected to support its costs. A condition of volunteering for SS is to select a domicile in Washington, DC, the only territory within the continental US where the federal (corporate) govt has exclusive jurisdiction. By volunteering for SS, the free man becomes a 'contracted' voluntary debt slave. The contract, which is itself unconscionable (containing conditions which no honest man would offer, and no intelligent man would knowingly accept), makes the free man into a 14th Amendment citizen, a 'US citizen,' and a statutory citizen. Such a citizen has no Constitutional rights, having contracted them away to the US corp-gov; now all laws, rules, and statutes apply to this citizen. All his assets and all his future labor are pledged to the collateral for the corp-gov debt, so the state now has an interest in protecting its property, and can apply endless statutes (statutes are municipal law, enforceable only through contract), and normally applied to your corporate person, the legal persona created by your birth certificate, and enrolled into the trust against/without your consent.

All Federal Reserve banks are willing participants in this debt servitude scam. Note that the central bank never loaned any money to the corp-gov, it only loaned your credit. When it 'buys' Treasury bonds from the corp-gov, it 'pays' for them with newly printed currency, debt notes, not money. Every time you endorse a paycheck, you are taking responsibility for the creation of this amount of debt. Your employer and the bank cheerfully report the amounts of debt money you accepted responsibility for, and the IRS then expects you to pay 'income tax' as your share of the cost of paying the interest on this debt. The banks and the corp-gov, which is owned by the banks, understand that they will never pay off the debt; it is in their interest to increase the debt, thus increasing the interest due to them for creating the debt notes to 'pay for' all this debt. It is a scam to take money from you through taxes, and give it to the bankers, whose only contribution was to coerce politicians into setting up the scam. Money and power...

Now, today, the IRS keeps a permanent record (for the US Treasury) of all the debt you endorse. When you demand lawful money, you are taking the transaction out of the bankruptcy system. You are not using the Federal Reserve credit system, so no obligation to pay income tax is incurred. And because you use lawful money to buy things, no capture of the ownership of the asset occurs; the asset is not pledged as collateral for the corp-gov debt. So you can obtain legal title to the asset. However, if you do not rebut the presumption that you are a statutory citizen, the IRS will presume that the asset is pledged as collateral, making you subject to other taxes on property.

Note that the corp-gov has no right to confiscate your property and pledge it as collateral to the banks without your consent. They presume that you gave consent when you signed up for SS, and that you are continuing to consent when you do business with a Federal Reserve bank without rebutting their presumption that you want to deal in debt notes. However, the nature of a trust is that the Trustee (the Sec of the Treasury, who is an employee of the IMF) holds and protects your assets for you the beneficiary. You don't own the assets, as the corp-gov has registered them (claimed ownership) due to the residual debt involved in using debt notes instead of money. Debt cannot discharge debt; a FRN is a promise to pay, not payment, so 'purchasing' an asset with debt creates a lien in favor of the debt issuer, the Federal Reserve. Thus legal title remains with the corp-gov, and you get only equitable title, the right to use the asset. So by creating this trust, the corp-gov could claim legal title to your assets without compensation, because the assets are still 'yours to use.' However, this arrangement makes confiscation much easier should the banks decide that you are not being a good corporate citizen...

Many comments on this web site have stated that the state 'owns' your legal name, and that you can't 'own' anything legally because you have 'no money.' The state registered your name, and they put the name into the trust, thus making a presumption that you wanted to contribute to paying off the bankers. The state owns (holds equitable title to) all the assets in the trust. The state owns the legal entity YOUR FULL NAME, and allows you to use it, but doing so gifts all your assets to them as collateral on the debt. So you need to make your demand for lawful money, ab initio (in the beginning) and nunc pro tunc (now for then) and file it in the public record. This rebutts the original presumption that you wanted your assets pledged to the debt (they would not have been in the trust if you had been using lawful money from the beginning), you have discharged all debt claims against your estate; you have taken your assets out of the bankruptcy trust and claimed their legal ownership to yourself, you the living man. However, your corporate person is still a US citizen, a statutory employee of the corp-gov. YOUR FULL NAME is still under the jurisdiction of our current statutory courts. Statutory courts are not recognized by the Constitution; they are creations of the executive branch of our corporate government. They operate under contract law as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code. When you make your demand for lawful money and reside outside of Washington, DC, you are not in contract with the Federal government, so you can now rebut the presumption that you are a surety for your corporate person. Note that statutes, which are not law, but are basically corporate rules, only apply to corporate employees. If the statutory court cannot show a contract that you the living man have knowingly entered into with the state, they have no jurisdiction over you. Statutory courts never have jurisdiction over natural persons: contracts must be between equals, and the court is a corporate subdivision of the corp-gov, thus it can only deal with other corporations. Thus if the court cannot prove that you are surety for your corporate person, they can not make any claim against you the living man.

Comments, corrections, and criticism are invited.


Please Note These Two Corrections:

1. The claim by the corporate government to your assets and labor does not arise from the use of Federal Reserve Notes: it arises from the presumption that you are a voluntary debt slave, as indicated by your use of the transmitting utility (YOUR FULL NAME). This legal entity, a limited liability corporate subdivision of the corporate government, is owned by the state. You the living man have no claim to it now or later. You have a legal name which when not written in all capital letters is you the living man, and the state has no claim on that entity. Use it.

2. The obligation to pay income taxes arises from the use of FRN's, and also from the use of YOUR FULL NAME on your employment contract: this confirms the presumption that you voluntarily agree to gift your income to the state. The W-4 also confirms the presumption that you want your pay to be taxed 'as if you were a government employee.' The state can then tax you on the use of your income! This tax is assigned to YOUR FULL NAME, but since you agreed to be employed under your LLC, and you endorsed the paychecks, you have now confirmed the presumption that you have agreed to be a debt slave to the corporate government, so you are now the surety for the LLC's debts.
