I have also consider the results of buildup of "male energy" and the imbalance it causes. I suppose there are those who are very much aware of the consequence of the promoted deviate sexual conduct and who are using "gays" as tools as part of a larger plot.
I am addressing something more physiological. This theory is based in Sigmund FREUD amplifying the taboo against female ejaculation. - And even female orgasm entirely. In ideal coitus both man and woman ejaculate fully at orgasm, the woman sealing the vagina so that her contractions pull the semen up into the womb in short order. This opens the possibility that the child will be conceived while both mom and dad are still enjoying the sensation of gratifying and loving sex - making love. This is what I am expressing as properly balanced ego formation. I am speculating that the initial conception will seal that energy for a lifetime. This is augmented by mom sharing the next nine month's emotions with the growing baby inside her. So my hypothesis is nearly impossible to prove.

Some evidence in support came from a woman (former) police officer and investigator. A rape baby, even when separated from mom at birth and placed in an ideal family environment will still have a higher chance of being socially disruptive and criminal as an adult.

It has nothing to do with repubs or dems. It has to do with YOU ACTING AS SURETY FOR THEIR AGENDA.
My point is not finding homosexuality offensive - but the fact that the marriage of same sex is a dead trust indenture because they cannot produce children.

I find your post entirely on point and find nothing to disagree with, except that maybe you interpret me as against gay individuals. I tried my best to focus on the gay political agenda.