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Thread: Homosexuality In Ancient Greece the Myth Is Collapsing

  1. #1

    Homosexuality In Ancient Greece the Myth Is Collapsing

    Another post regarding the sexual fetish propagation movement that has been attempting to 'take the world by storm' with its lies, psychopolitical snares, slight of mind and outright deception. Many of the readers will have likely gathered the impression of 'homosexuality' having been normal or having been widely accepted among the Greeks and not just that of it being perhaps even "widely practiced". Contrary to the Politburo & Orwellian Newspeek, Adonis A. Georgiadis in his book Homosexuality In Ancient Greece: The Myth Is Collapsing ascribes the false notions about homosexuality being widespread or widely accepted in Ancient Greece to the likes of modern-day foreigners, armchair historians or perhaps even to others with a hidden agenda. Scans are taken from the introduction and inserted below.

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    This entire book is available online via various sources and can likely be ordered via Amazon or Alibris. The purpose of these posts is to arm even those though tolerant of homosexual behavior in Society who are tired of being lied to, bullied and forced to accept homosexuality as normative and to those with children who would like to teach their children the truth. Note the following which was also quoted in the same book.

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    Another significance of this (and why this is in the Religious History In America) is how much the United States of America is lauded to have been in some part based upon the political principles or systems of Ancient Greek (and the Iroquois).
    Last edited by allodial; 12-26-13 at 02:21 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #2
    Note that Andonis GEORGIADIS is also the Minister of Health of Greece.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #3
    I recall when in my teens a young man mentioned to me that Gay is not such a problem (for him) as a sexual preference as it is a problematic political agenda. I am a little embarrassed how easily I adopted what sounded like an informed opinion. [Therefore please compensate for projection/reflection in my recent perceptions.]

    Thanks for bringing this topic up. I have been studying Gay as a political agenda for the last two years in a religious microcosm called Science of Mind. The local congregation following (channel) Ernest Shurtleff HOLMES prolific writings was a thriving and warm learning experience as of September 11, 2011 with a parking lot sermon with congregants bringing their pets - genius! The Spiritual Leader (beautiful older woman, heterosexual as far as I could tell) was like that almost every week, in this case the sermon on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 held little sting - being that everybody was celebrating our pets.

    Science of Mind is probably the most non-judgmental religion around and among the Christian setting in Colorado Springs it is surprising that it would catch on at all. Science of Mind is centered out of Golden north of Denver. Therefore there is a certain attraction for the Gay community to find a harbor, especially in the western Bible Belt here. [The Senior Editor for Science of Mind Magazine is Gay.] There was sudden turmoil and emotions ran high when the Spiritual Leader was being fired and the Core Council would not disclose the reasoning to the congregants. People began to leave in droves, especially the more wealthy couples who really loved the church.

    An interim Spiritual Leader was called in from Texas to smooth over the financial problems and she did a good job getting the church through the 'visiting pastor' stage of the financial crisis. Other congregants (I have never been a member) dearly wanted a new Spiritual Leader and the Gays rallied and even put on a mock election by bringing in a contender to the blatant homosexual for the job. He even appointed a Gay man for the position of Assistant Pastor. Don't get me wrong, this man is a wonderful and uplifting speaker with great talent. That is not the point I am getting to though.

    Needless to say the congregation is growing emphatically, with new Gay people replacing the strait families who depart. There was a booth at a local Gay Parade called Pride Fest and this happened at a time when some Straits made mention of the dropping of "Gay" to only "Pride Fest" when this Gay promotion was being delivered from the Platform on Sundays. They were met with the typical reverse discrimination for being bad people.

    I attended the classes available for preparing to become a "Licensed Practitioner". This is another aspect I will touch on shortly here, maybe developing the State Law later. Licensed Practitioner does not say anything but the implication that the State is licensing the meta-physicist to practice... something. See? There is no descriptor! After completing two years of classes, some 180 credit hours I mentioned the metaphysics of proper ego development being a blend of male and female orgasmic energy in context of FREUD's social taboo against female ejaculation; how this might be breeding sociopaths because of lack of female sexual energy during conception. An energy imbalance. I meant it purely in the scientific context of metaphysical spiritual energy around the physiology but the lesbians in the room took the opportunity to get me ousted from the Practitioner Training Program. [No loss - Licensed Practitioner is a fraud. I was never planning to get a license to be a meta-physicist. I was simply researching the generic formula for the layman to study and apply metaphysics.] My example is redacted even for the teacher because of the First Requisite. This Requisite however leads the Licensed Practitioner into liabilities due to a fraudulent representation "Licensed" (by the State) while feeling bound to hide crimes revealed by a "patient" confessional.

    Something you mentioned struck a chord. But rather look at marriage as a trust indenture for a moment. Trusts live as persons. And "normal" marriages issue living offspring, perpetuating life from the trust. However marriages between same-sex partners while allowed to duplicate the trust indenture are by natural virtue dead, or preset to die because no same-sex intercourse has ever produced a child. You mentioned civil death. This stems from the very nature of licensing, making legal an otherwise criminal act. Look in a family bible and there are a few pages dedicated to the lineage, evidence the marriage trust lives on.

    I suppose the point though, about my perceptions with the experience is that the symptom of a Gay political agenda is primarily an effect of reverse discrimination. There was an emotional injury that blasted the 'immune system' protecting against an abnormality and that abnormality took over like a disease - homosexual reverse discrimination from a Gay Political Agenda. It would be great if I was Gay I suppose.


    David Merrill.

  4. #4
    Regarding discrimination against gays: its interesting that in all of my experience in life, conversations with Jews/Christians not a single pastor or minister ever encouraged "gay bashing"--not even in the congregations deep in Georgia, Alabama or Indiana did I ever hear anyone suggest taking time to go "Gay Bashing". Of course from the Science of Mind "Gay" is a golem, it doesn't exist. So, I and others began to wonder if the "gay bashing" wasn't really homosexuals attacking each other ala "domestic violence" except where you'd typically have a much stronger male and a weaker female you have to strong men pissed and angry at each other over "broken hearts"--oh my. It has been researched in FBI case data that the most the cross border violence involving homosexuals is homosexuals being after one another over relationship issues--a different flavor of "domestic violence" between males. However, the liars and spin doctors have been aiming to conceal that fact.

    I have also consider the results of buildup of "male energy" and the imbalance it causes. I suppose there are those who are very much aware of the consequence of the promoted deviate sexual conduct and who are using "gays" as tools as part of a larger plot. It is even well researched the adverse effects of sexual improprieties or misuse of sexual faculties even among and within traditional male-female married couples. So in fact, the greater issue is that we have persons aiming to destroy traditional society by promoting misuse of sexual faculties and those promoting such very likely know the consequent damage it can have not only upon the individuals involved but upon the society as a whole--a kind of Angry-Sick Monkey epedimic (think: Zombie Apocalypse): first one would have to incubate them no?
    Last edited by allodial; 12-26-13 at 09:49 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #5
    This response has more to do with David's experience with Science of Mind. I worked for a SOM church for 7 years as a "bookkeeper". Well I was more then just a "bookkeeper". This particular church was a fair size; however, the "trustees" running it along with the pastor, shall we say, were not quite able to run their own lives effectively, never mind a church. This "religion" was created by Ernest Holmes, I believe in the 1920s and it really came to flourish in the 50's, particularly in CA. As a matter of fact, the annual get togethers were held in Asilomar. I never went.

    I want to address the actual teaching before I get the people involved. The teaching is wonderful and if you can apply those life principles, there is little doubt whatsoever - you WILL begin to see some awesome results in your life. I am so very grateful to that church for helping me through a very rough time about 15 years ago. It was after that time, I began to work for the organization and saw behind the "scenes". Needless to say, the politics, personal agendas, back-stabbing, and all around EGO no one could believe. And please take note, I am not talking about minor little "no one is perfect minor incidents, as we all fall short. I am talking about intentional and some very detrimental actions taken by church PTB to really destroy the church.

    The good thing was I studied so much the spiritual aspects and this brought me to profound places - to the point in time, I am studying law and the amazing parallel between spirituality and the literal effect we are facing today as a planet with the PTB bringing about the pain WE CHOOSE to force us to get back to the Creator. We learn through love or pain. Humanity is choosing pain at all levels on the mind, body and soul levels. It is going to get much worse UNTIL we WAKE UP. And this is very serious - as the signs are truly around.

    Allodial, I really do not care about what appears to be a "gay agenda" or not. I see through out, this blog all this gay stuff. I guess it was not accidental, I saw David's post about SOM and I somehow was drawn to this particular one. But if someone is gay or not gay, s/he is still part of God's creation. That soul, portraying gay or straight, black or white, jew or goy, or whatever is REQUIRED by Universal Law to play that role this incarnation to learn something and/or atone for something. It just really does not matter if it is 2 men, 2 women, 2 women and a man, a man and woman - whatever AS LONG AS IT IS NOT IN YOUR HOME - really it has no importance. I believe part of the gay agenda, If you will, is the fact that we all have to learn we are NOT separate and are a part of the ONE. And honestly this really sucks because it appears we are separate but this is just an illusion. This is OUR job is to over come the appearance of the illusion so we can get back "home" meaning back to the BLISSS that is a part of Our Inheritance from the One who created us.

    There is going to be gay marriage throughout the 50 states. Let us get over it and you know why? It has nothing to do with gay whatsoever. It has to do with merging non-corporate entities, it has to do with marriage penalties in the income tax code, etc. The government does not care how it gets those FRN back out of circulation - it just has to do that. Why anyone would get married, gay or straight, is beyond me. You do not need a license to live with someone, in theory you love. And David, as far as that practioner license, you do not need a license to pray for someone. Can we see the parallels? All those "stupid licenses" were being issued by Religious Science international [close to bankruptcy from last I heard a few years back], which is now merged with another similar group that broke off in the 50's [I forget the name] and now I believe they created Center for Spiritual Living International. It is all just a political game. Again the organization has helped many people - it is just full of many that from my point of view lack integrity and honesty.

    It is the same thing with the health kare law or barry-kare. Does anyone in their right mind really believe this has anything to do with health-kare? It has to do with 1/6 more control of the economy. You sign up under barry-kare and your health records needs to go to the IRS and Homeland security - please. Does everyone agree that the more sick society is, it is good for national economics? It is my belief there is a cure for cancer, aids, really anything that ails anyone - and it is all suppressed - it really has to because it would be bad if 50 cent natural pill replaced a $10000 treatment.

    Do you want to go over the energy crisis? They killed the electric car - they actually crushed them when people were willing to buy them. Do you want to discuss the war on drugs or military. It all has to do with increasing the credit for the bankrupt US. Nothing more nothing less. It has nothing to do with repubs or dems. It has to do with YOU ACTING AS SURETY FOR THEIR AGENDA.

    Anyway - I got off topic. I hope, for those reading this and if you are searching for what life is all about kinda stuff, you take a look into spirituality, as I see it and have been learning now for a while, the state is a 100% accurate REFLECTION OF THE SPIRITUAL CRISIS WE AS A PLANET ARE FACING.

    If this resonates with you, you can look into Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, and other info Christian Science, Divine Science, Spiritism. This stuff has really helped me. Again it is not for everyone and it should not be taken as "I got it all together", I don't but I am sure working very hard. Tony

  6. #6
    This particular thread has to do with sharing a Adonis A. Georgiadis' excellent book made for spreading the truth about his society and its history over and above the propaganda and lies being told to further the causes of * destruction of traditional family and * promotion of disease (i.e. biological warfare). Its more to do with providing resources to those aiming to preserve the traditional family, to teach their children the truth and to preserve the rights of those who exercise their right to not participate in sexual fetishes known to cause illness, death, sickness and disease.

    Re: Love
    Is it at all surprising that love would have someone promoting the health and well-being of innocents, the unborn and strangers? Is it not puzzling how not being into or being disgusted by a sexual fetish has come to be associated with "hate"? Is it not puzzling that a family teaching their children (which they taught at home) to avoid homosexual conduct almost had their children taken from them if not for special intervention? There is a lot of love in teaching your children how to preserve and promote their own health and prosperity.

    Related: Touch Starvation In America.

    As some are aware from my private discussions, some things pertinent to "current events" provide an opportunity to inure to great edification through analyzing and gaining awareness of the array of techniques and tactics (spiritual, legal and mental) being used against the people.

    Re: Legal Entities
    Last edited by allodial; 12-27-13 at 10:16 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #7
    I have also consider the results of buildup of "male energy" and the imbalance it causes. I suppose there are those who are very much aware of the consequence of the promoted deviate sexual conduct and who are using "gays" as tools as part of a larger plot.
    I am addressing something more physiological. This theory is based in Sigmund FREUD amplifying the taboo against female ejaculation. - And even female orgasm entirely. In ideal coitus both man and woman ejaculate fully at orgasm, the woman sealing the vagina so that her contractions pull the semen up into the womb in short order. This opens the possibility that the child will be conceived while both mom and dad are still enjoying the sensation of gratifying and loving sex - making love. This is what I am expressing as properly balanced ego formation. I am speculating that the initial conception will seal that energy for a lifetime. This is augmented by mom sharing the next nine month's emotions with the growing baby inside her. So my hypothesis is nearly impossible to prove.

    Some evidence in support came from a woman (former) police officer and investigator. A rape baby, even when separated from mom at birth and placed in an ideal family environment will still have a higher chance of being socially disruptive and criminal as an adult.

    It has nothing to do with repubs or dems. It has to do with YOU ACTING AS SURETY FOR THEIR AGENDA.
    My point is not finding homosexuality offensive - but the fact that the marriage of same sex is a dead trust indenture because they cannot produce children.

    I find your post entirely on point and find nothing to disagree with, except that maybe you interpret me as against gay individuals. I tried my best to focus on the gay political agenda.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I am addressing something more physiological. This theory is based in Sigmund FREUD amplifying the taboo against female ejaculation. - And even female orgasm entirely. In ideal coitus both man and woman ejaculate fully at orgasm, the woman sealing the vagina so that her contractions pull the semen up into the womb in short order. This opens the possibility that the child will be conceived while both mom and dad are still enjoying the sensation of gratifying and loving sex - making love. This is what I am expressing as properly balanced ego formation. I am speculating that the initial conception will seal that energy for a lifetime. This is augmented by mom sharing the next nine month's emotions with the growing baby inside her. So my hypothesis is nearly impossible to prove.

    Some evidence in support came from a woman (former) police officer and investigator. A rape baby, even when separated from mom at birth and placed in an ideal family environment will still have a higher chance of being socially disruptive and criminal as an adult.

    My point is not finding homosexuality offensive - but the fact that the marriage of same sex is a dead trust indenture because they cannot produce children.

    I find your post entirely on point and find nothing to disagree with, except that maybe you interpret me as against gay individuals. I tried my best to focus on the gay political agenda.
    Re: Sigmund FREUD and "Something more physiological"
    Quite interesting. I considered Wilhelm REICH's and other's (Lahkovsky) views on "biological energy", I interpreted your mention of "male energy" or "female energy" as along the lines of referring to psycho-bio-magnetic-physiological energies or something like that. There are those that suggest that the female's 'fluids' are readily absorbed by the man too through the thin skin associated with a particular part of his body--and that the that fluid parallels her 'female energy' passing over to the male. Balance being key. I tend to pretty much agree that the design and plan was towards the likes of balanced ego formation.

    Re: Rape Baby
    That gets into the topic "child culture" or "prenatal culture". Knowledge of this kind of thing has been buried since the 30s/40s (perhaps WWII was about control of the mainstream and keeping certain truths being widespread?). I read of a case of a pregnant woman that witnessed a murder 3 to 7 (?) months into the pregnancy. After the baby was born, the baby subsequently had terrible nightmares and the like even through to 2 or so years old from what I recall. Convincingly, the analysis showed that the emotional and psychological imprint of the event the mother witnessed reached the nervous system of the fetus in no light way. That there might be some validity to the notion of a mother's emotional and mental view of the baby (or even of life) might have a lot to do with setting the foundation condition for the baby's nervous system at birth. Perhaps also the state of mind of the father at conception might affect the semen/sperm somehow at that time too.

    Related: Orgone; Reich's Points of Departure from Freud

    Freedom of religion is dictatorship when it does not go hand in hand with freedom of science; for, when this is not the case, there is no free competition in the interpretation of the life process.
    Its interesting that Wilhelm REICH stated that. If scientists that speak of dangers of certain practices are 'shut out' and oppressed, then what do we have? The current trend in the Mainstream is to obstruct knowledge of life's processes to the point of directing millions into darkness.

    The physician or the teacher has but one responsibility, namely to practice his procession unflinchingly, irrespective of the powers which suppress life, and to have in mind solely the welfare of those entrusted to him. He must not represent any ideologies which contradict medical science or pedagogy.
    I don't necessarily endorse REICH's political views. He has had interesting things to say. His theories about biological energy came to knowledge for me many years ago.
    Last edited by allodial; 12-29-13 at 05:14 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #9
    I too have studied Wilhelm. Learning that an orgone generator will produce the poisonous (I forget) instead when in any vicinity to 60Hz generation was very discouraging, even thirty years ago. Building a lab in national forest would be about the only alternative these days.

    Royal Raymond RIFE has some interesting devices. I carry a harmonic pulser. I have grown to think of it as a cosmic pacemaker.

    Third Harmonic of the 28.322 MHz Carrier

    P.S. This is fun! Play this file through headphones. (WARNING! The audio volume is high and will startle you.) Then take the headphones and put both speakers an inch apart facing one another and listen through the gap beside the speakers with one ear.

    P.P.S. I have not studied any of REICH's political views. I heard a Maine Judge got annoyed enough to order all his research destroyed!
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-29-13 at 03:15 PM.

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