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Thread: New Promissory note

  1. #1

    New Promissory note

    (If I missed any sanitizing, please let me know)

    So now keen on lawful money, I look for the phrase whenever I'm reading anything. That along with "Dollars of the United States", "Federal Reserve Note", "Person", etc. Anyways, I was reviewing a new commercial loan I received (I know, loans are bad), but I was interested in what I read in the first section "Promise to Pay." They make the "borrower" in the note, me, promise to pay the "lender", a credit union "pay to, or order, in LAWFUL MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."

    I think they do this so as not to pay tax, or to possibly use the funds received as a reserve for further lending, I just thought it was interesting. They pay in FRN's yet want Lawful money back...

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  2. #2
    That's not the first contract I seen like this. Have to dig in my files for the ones I latched onto. Reminds me of this post from mikecz.
    Last edited by Chex; 01-09-14 at 08:19 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Chex View Post
    That's not the first contract I seen like this. Have to dig in my files for the ones I latched onto. Reminds me of this post from mikecz.
    Yup, I remember that one...

    But, what if I crossed out "Lawful money" and replaced it with "Federal Reserve notes" or "elastic currency". They would say, "You can't do that"... I would respond, "Well, FRNs are lawful money, it says it on their website!"

  4. #4
    Nice find, and wow! "Borrower agrees not to send payments marked "paid in full" or "without recourse" or similar language. "

    What if you agreed with all rights reserved?

  5. #5
    I wonder if you could use that to avoid paying back any interest?

    (I'm not suggesting you mess with the loan. Like you point out, you are in a subservient position.)

    My pondering is about diversity of citizenship. In biblical terms they (Israel) are offering you FRN's as a stranger or foreigner. Then they make the righteous demand that you give them only kosher currency in return. [Like I always say, lawful money is US notes in the form of Federal Reserve notes.]

    Deu 23:20 Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.

    Note: ...feign self to be another,

    Do you start to get how true name and redemption go together?

    What I was imagining is that you treat them like they mistook you for a stranger (nakar = nokriy = noachide) and now pay them back as a brother.

    There was an old Jew and neither the Temple or the Messianics would bail him out of the homeless shelter. I had stepped on a nail and had to stay off my feet anyway so I checked in. On the third day he came to me with a $310 bill! Nobody ever gets mail in the Shelter but somehow this guy gets a bill from the cardiologist that the nurse there took him to see! I walked him over to the phone and noticed that the it was from a Dr. GOLDSTIEN. I reached the nurse and asked why when the national debt is usury, why could a Dr. GOLDSTIEN be billing a Mr. FRIEDBURG? She gasped and said, I had no idea! A few keystrokes later she came back, His bill has been cleared from our records.

    Another time a fellow was jailed for FTA but they picked him up before the hearing time. I used that part about Wronging by Use of Words. I faxed it directly to the sheriff and they released him.

    The presumption is that you are a pagan under the Seven Noachide Laws. I do not say this strictly because it only makes sense to me in holographic archetypes. In other words God is a God of laws. The universe is held together by laws of nature and physics. So you will find the same truth all over the place because there is only truth - all else is illusion and has no love, only fear.

    Try looking at it this way though. If you operate willingly in the abomination of false balances then during that term of slavery you are chattel and not allowed into the kingdom of heaven - the kingdom of heaven being the sensation I get whenever I radiate it. Being that I teach and promote people redeem lawful money I find I am in the kingdom of heaven quite a bit.

  6. #6
    This may just be an effort by the banks to further muddy the water and obscure the difference between lawful money and legal tender. Note that the distinction between lawful money and FRN's is only the demand, since the actual paper notes now circulate at parity, and the US Notes do not circulate at all. The Federal Reserve would like for everyone to just forget lawful money, as it is still in competition with their fake debt money, and they don't get to tax it... and whenever anyone figures out lawful money, they quickly figure out the voluntary debt servitude scam the banks have foisted on the 'US citizen' public. Or it could just be a variation on the requirement on B of A's account contract which requires all deposits to be in 'US currency;' they don't want to have to deal with loonies, euro's, etc, what with their variable rates of exchange. Also note that the credit union is likely going to accept the note for value and sell it, to raise the money they are going to loan to you, so you have already loaned your credit to the FR through the note; the bank may be intending to put your payments into a loan account for their own tracking purposes, but I doubt they will handle it as lawful money once they receive it.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Freed Gerdes View Post
    This may just be an effort by the banks to further muddy the water and obscure the difference between lawful money and legal tender. Note that the distinction between lawful money and FRN's is only the demand, since the actual paper notes now circulate at parity, and the US Notes do not circulate at all. The Federal Reserve would like for everyone to just forget lawful money, as it is still in competition with their fake debt money, and they don't get to tax it... and whenever anyone figures out lawful money, they quickly figure out the voluntary debt servitude scam the banks have foisted on the 'US citizen' public. Or it could just be a variation on the requirement on B of A's account contract which requires all deposits to be in 'US currency;' they don't want to have to deal with loonies, euro's, etc, what with their variable rates of exchange. Also note that the credit union is likely going to accept the note for value and sell it, to raise the money they are going to loan to you, so you have already loaned your credit to the FR through the note; the bank may be intending to put your payments into a loan account for their own tracking purposes, but I doubt they will handle it as lawful money once they receive it.
    This credit union services and keeps 95% of it's loans. I think the note is more valuable written this way. Thank you for your insights. At some point I may prod around a bit a maybe ask about the verbage. I will followup if I do. David, this is great..."The universe is held together by laws of nature and physics. So you will find the same truth all over the place because there is only truth - all else is illusion and has no love, only fear." Only truth has love, that is evident, they are invariable wound together.

    Also, speaking of US citizen, I came by a gem today (not to change the subject). I hadn't seen it on this forum so here!

    Read section 15 (A) for total validation. Everything having to do with that Federal Corporation is taxed. By the way, that Federal Corporation went bankrupt.
    Last edited by mikecz; 01-10-14 at 04:18 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    The presumption is that you are a pagan under the Seven Noachide Laws. I do not say this strictly because it only makes sense to me in holographic archetypes. In other words God is a God of laws. The universe is held together by laws of nature and physics. So you will find the same truth all over the place because there is only truth - all else is illusion and has no love, only fear.
    Those who fear will not enter the Kingdom. I wrote the IRS years ago and maintained that I am Redeemed in Christ of the Tribes of Israel a member of the Commonwealth of Israel and a priest walking in the Order of Melchizedok. I never heard back from them ever again. I am redeemed.

    Isa 52:3 For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.

    My TRUST is in my God and I rely upon His Word - it is my Life - it is my being - and I am a willing vessel for the glory of God - Here am I, send me - Yehovah use me to promote your Glory and to Glorify your Word in the Earth - which is to say Yehoshuah. I am redeemed in Yehoshuah to Yehovah within El Elyon.

    Rev 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

    Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 01-10-14 at 04:29 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  9. #9
    Redemption is full renewal of the mind.

    Subscribe every thought unto obedience. If that does not give you joy and peace then you best contemplate the Name of whom you consider God.

    The unity you describe reminds me how as we are integrated into God we become I AM. For example He trusts in Me as He has given Me His Name:

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Those who fear will not enter the Kingdom. I wrote the IRS years ago and maintained that I am Redeemed in Christ of the Tribes of Israel a member of the Commonwealth of Israel and a priest walking in the Order of Melchizedok. I never heard back from them ever again. I am redeemed.

    Isa 52:3 For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.

    My TRUST is in my God and I rely upon His Word - it is my Life - it is my being - and I am a willing vessel for the glory of God - Here am I, send me - Yehovah use me to promote your Glory and to Glorify your Word in the Earth - which is to say Yehoshuah. I am redeemed in Yehoshuah to Yehovah within El Elyon.

    Rev 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

    Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    Michael Joseph

    Within El Elyon? My guess is that this describes the Triune - the entire Godhead?
    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-10-14 at 02:23 PM.

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