MJ, I checked out the link you provided, but I didn't get much out of it. It just recognizes that business trusts can hold property, which just means that a business trust has the same status in the fictional world of legal entities as any other legal fictional entity. If you have found further hidden meaning there, please elaborate. And if you were approaching some veil imposed by a librarian within the state archives, suggesting some vein of secret information, please provide its approximate location, so that others might go there and try to mine it.

As to the huge difference between freedman and freeman, are you going all ad hominem here? I see only the difference in the path taken. If you are making a play on my screen name, please note that I use many variations on my name when asked for screen names at web sites which require one. I have used Freid, Frad, Fraud, Freud, Ferd, etc. (this practice allows me to determine which sites sell their subscribers lists to advertisers). I just happened to select Freed for this web site as a little internal sarcasm. I define free as being able to select at will which laws I will agree to be subject to. My purpose in visiting this site is to explore the means and methods by which I can convey to others in a non-violent way the status I have selected for myself. Due to the invasive and pervasive reach of the statutory government, most of this pursuit involves steps taken to shed the load of implied contracts imposed by our regulated and brainwashed society. For example, on my last visit to a nearby craft beer bar, I offered to pay in silver, which was violently rejected since 'silver isn't money.' But the bartender and several patrons informed me violently that FRN's are money... a society can only advance when a significant percentage (generally thought to be about 10%) understand how the social contract should be constructed for the benefit of all members. This requires that some/many members of society have accepted their duty to become informed about their responsibilities as citizens. US society is failing in this regard, as a majority of its members have chosen the false security of slavery. I try to offer guidance to those who seem to be seeking it, but otherwise keep my own counsel.
