Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
I am curious.
The realization that the world we live in is not what the intent of our father in heaven created for us and the ability to see that we cannot change the world but we can change what we see in the mirror everyday and thus be a light on to others to follow. No more seeking external entities for a perpetual milk feeding every time there is trouble.
It is a matter of heart, are you going to give to others what you expect of them or are you going to continue to be a burden to your neighbor and he to you?

For the rest read back at this post: http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?166-Deposit-Your-Pledge-Into-a-Bank-and-Freely-Elect-to-be-Bankrupt-and-Insolvent

You should know about the talkshoe group, and the skype group by now as I have posted many times.

Also there is an old blog: whybefudd.info

And a new blog just started: onlashuk.wordpress.com

It is not a papering package, it is a life change in the way we see things for the benefit of all. Not to be learned but to be lived.