declare thyself... precisely

if warrants issue from a non-living entity against a man, the one prosecuting the relating [false] claim is committing barratry if said man requires the claimant appear and verify [in living voice] said claim

i would never "go to the courts"; instead, i would move my court at the courthouse where a man can stand and speak his claim before living witnesses if he so wishes

if you cause a man harm, make it right
if you injure a man's property, make it right
if you breach a valid a lawful contract with another man, make it right

the game is an illusion where no 2nd dimension entity can ever be harmed by man
man is the source of energy, labor and credit(s) issued

'corporations', 'states', etc. were created to help man and not to cause harm or injury

man cannot harm a fiction

do unto others... ; and, contract wisely