There you go taking things out of context again, I did not directly call anyone "Troll" . I said if his intent was this and that it met the requirements of being identified as a troll, that was up to who I replied to for correcting the mistake. Are you now claiming to know what his thoughts and intents are?

Quote Originally Posted by David Merril
P.S. It is the Deposited for Credit on Account verbiage that does it - redemption of lawful money by demand.
Are you saying all along you had it in your mind what made it work, but decided to torcher me anyway acting like you did not know?
Sounds like priestcrafter work to me as well. Also NO i did not pay anything for it, I earned it by experiencing it and living it.

Fine, no more Coresource stuff, act like I do not know about it either since it seems to be what you are all suggesting. All I can do is encourage those who are willing to put in the effort to earn it. Although it is simple and some people who have attempted to earn it instead of insisting to be shown everything have been spot on on things so I tried to speak words of encouragement. Anthony see's this has playing games.. oh well.