Personally, I will have nothing to do with the bitcoin system. I see it as Conditioning 101 - leading the flock into a voluntarily consent to a cashless society - wherein EVERTHING will be tracked and controlled.

As such, i perceive a measure of freedom in CASH. Let those who do not comprehend redemption play their games - and good on them - but as for my house we shall make a use of redeemed credit - be it electronic or otherwise. We love the Trust as an entity - because we can then use a PERSON that we control and that we operate - whereby control and management is Privately accomplished.

Just sign up for your GROCERY CARD and the grocery store will not grant you discounts on nutritionally deficient food - devoid of vitamins and minerals that your body needs - but SIGNED OFF on by the FDA so that you can feel good about your food. I wonder if the AMA gives kickbacks to the Grocery Store folks for the extra business? I jest of course.

Simply put I do not trust the bitcoin system - therefore I refuse to make a use of it.
