Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
So true. And it works both ways: some men have grown "manginas" in response to feminism, so women have to function in a man's world by default, by working twice as hard developing the survival skills of protecting themselves and providing for themselves until a man with "authentic jewels" becomes available. Trouble is, the longer a woman waits, the narrower the pool. And so much of her time is consumed in survival, there's no time or energy for searching. And if something happens to that woman (she is raped, she becomes homeless, health problem, etc.) her "market value" depreciates rapidly.

One time, I had a job working in people's homes. Anyway, I pulled into a customer's driveway with a flat tire. The gentleman was in the driveway all, "Oh! Let me fix that tire for you!" So he comes running over with the tire iron and jack. Well he couldn't figure out how to jack up the car. I politely suggested how to go about it. Ohh! He did not like a woman making that suggestion! Blow to the male ego! So he continued struggling with the tire unsuccessfully, pretending like he knew what he was doing, then got distracted with a phone call and went inside. I ended up fixing my own tire. LOL!
Moxie ... are you a red pill woman?