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  1. #15
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth

    I know this is going to sound trite but I mean what I am about to write in its most simplistic expression and this is not an attack upon anyone's ego or status:

    When I started to believe I was free, then I started to do the things that a free child of God does. I am extremely careful about what I promise and who I make promises to.

    I literally went into the wilderness for five/six years and went from 250k / year to about 20k / year in income. All my pride in my developed personas was removed and in my weakness in the way the world defines success - I became strong. For in losing my life, I found my life. I have PURPOSE - therefore I am SUCCESSFUL.

    Man will trade all of his existence just to find PURPOSE - for you cannot have happiness absent PURPOSE.

    As such, it is not me that redeems me, it is my Father by and thru Yehoshuah. I tell you that for the past three years now I have started each year with 6k in savings - I have had zero work on the books in backlog and yet every year the bills are paid - even the stuff that just happens. And each year I am reminded of the "lilies in the field". Yehovah Yireh.

    My duty and my purpose is the CHOOSE God. I choose the Good - which is to say the Leading of the Holy Spirit. I need no law to tell me what is good or bad - the Spirit prompts me in the direction I should go. Therefore I claim the promises of God.

    For my Father said "A man who will not take care of His family is worse than a heathen". And He said "those who are led by the Spirit may call themselves the Sons of God". So I am a member of the Family of Elohim [God]. And as such, I am very careful to keep my Court free from locusts. You understand? From the Great Book of Joel?

    Yehovah NEVER pays in the beginning of the day - He pays when the work is completed at the end of the day. As such, I am salty and I work for the Kingdom whenever I can and I rely on my Father to keep the wolves at bay!

    Let me break this down into its simplest expression: I have placed my entire life in Trust with my God. I have hung my life on the Nail in the Tent which is The Word of God. It is my Life.

    For man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that procedeth from the mouth of God.

    When my enemy arises - I quote the Scripture. Because Jesus Christ warned the Sons of Cain saying:

    Mat_18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    Mar_9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

    Luk_17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

    Now go to and check out that word believe. It means SOOO much more than Believe! I try to live a quiet life if possible. But when challenged I know where my refuge lies! In The Word of God. I am a member of the Commonwealth of Israel - I am declared in the Public to be a member of this State and my Status is that of Free. The Children of the King are free!

    I walk as a priest in the order of Melchizedok under Yehoshuah my Great High Priest and King. It was Yehoshuah that joined the two crowns into one and he made me into One Man- For I was living apart from God in my own power. I was taking of the tree of knowledge - my own Central Nervous System. But I have learned to deny this tree and listen for God's instruction and leading. And Wisdom she pours out upon this tree - so that the latter rain causes this tree to grow.

    For Wisdom is Chief! El Shaddai is beautiful - she is a Tree of Life.

    There is only black and white - you believe or you don't. There is no middle ground! I am redeemed! Only in Jesus Christ! There is no other way!

    In my mind I am left with my Word, my promises. Did I promise you anything? Have I undertaken for you in some way? And I believe the Scripture - do all things in my Name. My claim is in the name of Yehoshuah, I claim for my King! NOT MYSELF. I claim for the commonwealth of Israel - the Body of believers - in Union under ONE King!

    Do you really believe [have you given up your life] and placed your existence in Trust with the Ever Living?

    You will be found trusting - question is in what or whom? Therefore CONTRACT very carefully and learn the obligations of contract.

    Deu 32:1 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.

    Deu 32:2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew , as the small rain upon the tender herb,[former rain to germinate the seed] and as the showers upon the grass: [latter rain to make the tree grow] [added by MJ]

    Deu 32:3 Because I will publish the name of Yehovah: ascribe ye greatness unto our Elohim.


    Concerning the Covenants:

    The Promise came long before the Law. And the Promise had a sign just as the new covenant has a sign. The first in circumcision, the latter in baptism. But the Promise came before circumcision. Consider.

    What is the SEAL upon the latter covenant = New Testament? It is the giving of the Holy Spirit. What was the seal in the Former? It was the keeping of the Sabbath. So then is the Law done away with in terms of Covenant? Yes, I need no law to tell me right from wrong, THE SPIRIT OF GOD - Leads me into right and if I try to do wrong - The Spirit is Grieved and I feel it in my being!

    So why study Torah and Prophets, BECAUSE you cannot understand Yehoshuah as a Jewish Rabbi - a Law Keeper - until you comprehend the Torah and Prophets. When Jesus was asked what shall we teach this child "He said Law and Prophets". Why do the Christians refuse to read the front of the book? And why do the Jews refuse to read the back of the book? It is a mystery to me.

    What I find humorous is that many folks today have time to read, this book or that book or read forums or watch TV or blah blah blah....but they have zero time to actually STUDY the Word. Sure there are some who do not have access to the Word and like I have formerly written they do what is right in a natural way - as such they become a law unto themselves - and God is the Judge. NOT MAN. However, what does Romans say? They will be judge per what was meted out to them. So what of those who have the Law of God? These will be judged by that Law! For remember the commandment was IF you are faithful to confess your sin, then He would be faithful to forgive.

    Now I have work to do. I hope this helped you.

    Answer these questions and that will help you determine your path:

    1. What is it you want?
    2. How will you know when you have it?

    Be specific and set goals. The Israelites did not come out of Egypt overnight!


    P.S. In the attached study I state that Paul was of the House of Judah - he was of the Tribe of Benjamin - and the House of Judah was made up of Judah, Benjamin and Levi.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 02-21-14 at 03:07 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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