I can't seem to break out of the local Circuit court. That's what I'm trying to do. I think my next filing will be to the court of appeals, but the real meat and potatoes of my argument is this:

Alabama Constitution Article 1 S35 "That the sole object and only legitimate end of government is to protect the citizen in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property, and when the government assumes other functions it is usurpation and oppression." How can "The State" claim to be protecting the other party's rights when it can only do so by violating another person's rights? It's laughable to me. In a civil matter in a circuit court "The State" is going to move on behalf of the petitioner in the case... why? What damages can the state even allege for the court to have standing to hear the case??? Why does "The State" prejudice one party and not the other? It seems a blatant violation of the Equal Protection Clause... so then I move to that argument and try to find some case law... Then there's the question of why this is in my state Constitution: Article 1 s14- "That the State of Alabama shall never be made a defendant in any court of law or equity."

Is that to specifically limit MY right to file a Quo Warranto against the phantom entity known as "The State"??

Who is "The State"??? Why do they have an interest in seeing my adversary win against me in court? Aside from usurpation and oppression, what benefit is it to them that the moving party in the case wins??

Where would this be filed for best results? Circuit Court which I can't seem to escape, District? Federal?

I just can't wrap my head around this fiction called "The State"... it's like this demonic spirit that devours whom it will...

Either way, I know they will be held to greater account and answer to the Almighty some day.