Quote Originally Posted by salsero View Post
The issue of a gay agenda is no different than a black, Jew, woman, elderly, white, Asian, Muslim, Italian, Irish, German, them v us. It is all about separation. Whether you like gays, tolerate them or hate them is not the issue. It appears the gays are being pandered to not because of an agenda but rather to ensure a voting block or classification for their ultimate destruction. It is not different than the Christian right or anti-tea-party left. TPTB create this for the purpose of We, the people, to keep our eye off THEM and focus on "politically hot buttons" that intentionally are used for the purpose of separation. If the people are against one another, they will be focusing on these false issues rather than we, the international bankers who are out to destroy everyone because of the ultimate hate for humanity in and of itself.

Gentlemen, if you do not like gays or want to know any - that is fine. Do not associate yourself with them. But the reality is what appears to be an agenda is for the ultimate goal of "all the sureties in a group be pandered AND CLASSIFIED, then attack and destroy". At this point in time, everyone in THIS group must realize the international bankers will stop at nothing toward the goal of a NWO and the destruction of 98% of humanity as we know it. Just keep this in mind when you are "group people".
it's not about "liking gays" or "not liking gays"; we are to love our brother as ourselves.

the point is that the 'homosexual agenda' has been used as a tool of control as far back as the first empire.

it separates man from the Creator's Will and diminishes man's strength which keeps him subservient to the 'PTB' whether it is 'international bankers' or whoever