Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
you are correct; this is definitely where we disagree
IMO, there is a diabolical and desperate campaign underway right now at this very special time (just before the literal fulfillment of the 2nd Annual Holyday of Lev 23), to promote mental constructs that are opposed to the Creator's constructs commanded at Genesis.

Perhaps the best way to explain this clash of constructs is to listen to my audio at: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-30428/TS-761465.mp3

The Creator allowed man to choose which construct of reality was true in the Garden. We had to TRUST that His construct was the TRUTH - the ONLY WAY to become like Him - autonomous eternal holy spirit beings - made in his image and likeness.

We will all soon find out that He will enforce the penalties for choosing the wrong constructs. The foundation of ALL of the wrong constructs is PANTHEISM.