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Thread: Indorsed Bill Remedy

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  1. #6
    Alright Doug,

    Major ELI5 here, please post a copy of a check you've received from a client, front and back, after you have stamped it. I receive checks ALL THE TIME (I am a landlord, I just started doing this, and in a way, it feels extremely patriotic). Anyways it would help to see a physical example.

    Also, straighten me out where I have this wrong... In 1932ish, Americans had their gold "stolen" taking both legal and equitable title.

    McFadden charges theft in his 1932 appeal

    The HJR-192 was written claiming indeed, we do have equitable title to the gold which was put into a huge trust, to which we are beneficiaries, congressmen are trustees, we just need to "perform" by discharging the payment. That an obligation can only be discharged UPON PAYMENT. PAYMENT not is required here, PAYMENT requires performance. You state Payment as 1 of the 2 options. If we don't perform, discharging a payment doesn't happen, therefore option 2 kicks in, we use bank credit, scrip etc. which is taxable.


    1. HJR-192 is all about discharging a payment, and has nothing to do with endorsement the way the general public knows it. It is in support of our claims as equitable title to all the gold that was stolen, it was a response to McFadden's charge of outright theft. Is this correct?

    2. If all debt's are then "discharged" upon payment (when we demand lawful money), who does the discharging? I'm imagining the trust as this huge pile of gold / pledged labor of which the congressmen are the trustees. What if everyone demands lawful money, does the trust just discharge all payment. I mean, does this discharge then become like public money, a debt to the people, a currency of the federal gov't (I'm saying this like a good thing, it's like the old greenback's during Lincoln's time.) Instead of FRN's, why don't we just print up our own, in a sense, isn't demanding lawful money printing up public money and paying off or discharging FRNs?

    3. Where does the birth certificate fit in. Once again ELI5. I was born, my parents signed me over to the state, and abandoned me (after 7 years no action), I was presumed dead and the state holds my estate. How do I prove I'm alive!? Did you really "Cancel" your birth certificate? If so, what effect does this have, in my observation, keeping the certificate allows you access to the trust, correct?
    Last edited by mikecz; 03-14-14 at 01:20 PM. Reason: clarity

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