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Thread: Indorsed Bill Remedy

  1. #1

    Indorsed Bill Remedy

    "Indorsed Bill Remedy" vs FRN Usage as Enemy of State

    FRN Usage invokes "Enemy of State" status, which deprives one of all rights and standing under both common law and civil law (statutes).

    Said enemies do not have standing to be on any truly-constituted common law jury.

    IMO, affiliation with juries comprised of said enemies constitutes complicity with treason.

    "We" are enemies because we are not "paying" our debts. It is our own fault.

    This national debt is now threatening our national security, hence why "we" are "enemies".

    BUT - "We" have the power to remedy this - INSTANTLY - STARTING TODAY!

    12 USC 411 and 95a(2) are the keys in their system to effect this remedy... the "escape clauses" for the people to be "in" the system but not "of" the system, maintaining the peace between the fiction and real worlds.... until the harvest. (Mt 13:30).

    Right now, using the above two USC statutes, we can start using lawful money (USNs in the form of FRNs) to PAY every debt instantly upon receipt.

    Each bill one receives can act as lawful money (United States Notes).

    Simply see bills as in fact "credit vouchers" which are presented to recipients for simple approval and indorsement "For Deposit Only to the account of the United States Treasury".

    This "Indorsed Bill Remedy" is a practical implementation of what both Lincoln and Kennedy intended, and would produce economic recovery overnight!

    Google "Lincoln's Monetary Policy" and "Kennedy Executive Order 11110" for proof of this approach. These two US Presidents were both assassinated because this remedy was THE SOLUTION to ensure national and economic sovereignty.

    Google "The Way to outdo England without fighting her" by Henry Charles Carey, 1865. In his "Letter 12", pages 129-130, he explains the efficacy of Lincoln's "Greenback" Monetary Policy.

    Google "Australian National Liberty Party Monetary Policy" for further clarification of this issue.

    For the CLGJ to be truly sovereign in its power as an institution of and for the people, each jurist thereon must be sovereign by PAYING DEBTS TIMELY in the manner proposed above.

    What Kennedy did in June 4, 1963, by a simple short Executive Order, we can also do today by a simple demand and indorsement on each bill we receive, and return for a "full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same" per 12 USC 95a(2).


    Imagine how easily said remedy could be enforced by a CLGJ that is truly sovereign by doing the same!

    Imagine how quickly we the people could restore America's economy and security!

    We the people are the sovereigns per Chief Justice John Jay's declaration in Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 2 Dall. 419 419 (1793).

    Haven't we the people reserved the right in the 10th Amendment to do what we deem a necessity in order to ensure a more perfect Union?

    Who can stop us from implementing this "Indorsed Bill Remedy" without immediately being seen thereby as being complicit in giving "Aid and Comfort" to the enemy by preventing the reduction of the national debt and increasing its threat to our national security?

    What more important and effective remedy is there for the CLGJ to impact, protect and defend every single man and woman in America today?

    What more important and effective calling is there to fulfill Psalm 82:3-4 and James 2:27?

    For more info, see:

    NOTICE: Anyone who chooses to abuse, misuse, exploit or harm this message or its proponents willingly and knowingly agrees to receiving from the Creator the same sort of plagues today that were poured out on those who dishonored the Creator's requests back then to "Let My People go that they may celebrate a Feast [of Pentecost] to Me in the wilderness" in Exodus 5.1, and to inviting immediate divine intervention for same.
    Last edited by doug555; 06-07-14 at 08:09 PM.

  2. #2
    "Indorsed Bill Remedy" research material
    In March 1865, Carey published a series of letters to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Schuyler Colfax, entitled “The Way to Outdo England Without Fighting Her”. In these letters, Carey advocated the continuance of Abraham Lincoln's Greenbacks policy of debt-free, government-issued money as a way of freeing America's economy from British capitalists, who sought to control America's wealth. (They eventually accomplished this by shutting out Greenbacks and putting America on a gold standard with the Coinage Act of 1873.) He also suggested raising the reserve requirements on private banks up to 50%. Here are some excerpts from Carey's work, which history shows fell upon deaf ears, as the subsequent Long Depression of 1873-96 plagued America with financial panics because of the inability of the National Banking System to provide the public with all the currency it needed:

    “The Executive [Lincoln] is frequently compelled to affix his signature to bills of the highest importance, much of which he regards as wholly at war with the national interests. “To British free trade it is, as I have shown, that we stand indebted for the present Civil War. Had our legislation been of the kind which was needed for giving effect to the Declaration of Independence, that great hill region of the South, one of the richest, if not absolutely the richest in the world, would long since have been filled with furnaces and factories, the laborers in which would have been free men, women, and children, white and black, and the several portions of the Union would have been linked together by hooks of steel that would have set at defiance every effort of the ‘wealthy capitalists’ of England for bringing about a separation. Such, however, and most unhappily, was not our course of operation. Rebellion, therefore, came, bringing with it an almost entire stoppage of the societary movement, with ruin to a large proportion of those of the men...” “As a consequence, poor as was then our Government, and unemployed as were then so large a portion of our people, we were compelled to [loan from abroad] millions upon millions of dollars worth of the machinery of war, and there to encounter all the obstacles that could decently be thrown in our way by men who prayed openly for the success of the rebellion.” “When the present war shall have been closed there will be another to be fought, and that one will be with England...but it is not now with [cannons] that she chiefly seeks to fight us. It is in the Halls of Congress she is to be met.” “The whole South now requires reorganization, and one of the first steps in that direction should be found in furnishing machinery of circulation...If the Government does not supply that machinery, who is there that can or will do so? Look carefully, I pray you, my dear sir, at the vast field that is to be occupied, and at the great work that is to be done, and then wonder with me that the Government should permit its soldiers to perish in the field, while it is debating the terms of a loan to be made to it by men all of whose interests are to be promoted by a diminution of the circulation and an increase of the rate of interest. Let our soldiers be paid, let the credit of the Government be once again re-established, let the rate of interest be kept down, and let the Treasury reassert its independence, and all will yet go well... “A single decade of the system above described would suffice for placing us, in this respect, side by side with England. At the close of another, [England] would be left far behind, and we should then have vindicated our claim to that position in the world of which our people so often talk.”
    Why the establishment hates this Policy, ANLP has no delusions that adopting a policy based on honest money will raise the ire of the establishment. So what will be their real objections, and not their PR spin for public consumption? Below is a published quote from those with vested interests – setting out precisely what they hated about America issuing its own money for the benefit of its people. Read carefully and be amazed.

    “If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
    - Hazard Circular – London Times 1865.
    Yes, you got it – if our government issues its own money we will:
    Pay off all our debts,
    Have all the money we need for infrastructure and industry,
    Be prosperous
    Have qualified and intelligent people flock to our shores
    Implementing an Honest Money Policy

    There is always a gap between what constitutes policy, and actually implementing that policy. In the case of implementing our Monetary Policy, let us again examine history to see how difficult it would be to implement our policy.

    In 1963, President Kennedy not only attempted, but succeeded, in reclaiming the right of the US Government to issue its own money, which he then spent into circulation. On 4th June 1963 he signed Executive Order 11110 – that directed the US Treasury to issue a new US currency. This new US currency was to be backed by a precious metal – silver.

    That Executive Order is a simple document containing only 2 paragraphs. That is all that was required. Actually, only the first paragraph was really needed – and it states:

    (a)…..The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933 as amended (31 U.S.C. 821 (b)), to issue silver certificates against silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption.
    In that single paragraph President Kennedy achieved the following:
    Allowed the US Treasury to issue “silver certificates” (i.e. paper US dollar bills) back by silver, and Allowed the US Treasury to mint a silver coin having the value of a US dollar.

    Following President Kennedy’s assassination, Lyndon B Johnson immediately stopped the US Treasury from issuing any additional US notes, and today Executive Order 11110 still stands as being in force – but totally ignored.
    Last edited by doug555; 03-09-14 at 05:42 PM.

  3. #3
    According to Wikipedia EO 11110 is gone.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Alan View Post
    According to Wikipedia EO 11110 is gone.
    I see what your saying Keith.


    E.O. 11110 was not reversed by President Lyndon B. Johnson and the section added to E.O. 10289 remained on the books until President Ronald Reagan issued Executive Order 12608 on September 9, 1987 as part of a general clean-up of executive orders.[14] E.O. 12608 specifically revoked the section added by E.O. 11110 which effectively revoked the entire Order. By this time, however, the remaining legislative authority behind E.O. 11110 had been repealed by Congress when Pub.L. 97–258 was passed in 1982.

    In March 1964, Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon halted redemption of silver certificates for silver dollars. In the 1970s, large numbers of the remaining silver dollars in the mint vaults were sold to the collecting public for collector value. All redemption in silver ceased on June 24, 1968.


    President Ronald Reagan issued Executive Order 12608 on September 9, 1987 as part of a general clean-up of executive orders. One part of E.O. 12608 specifically revoked the section (paragraph 1(j)) that were added to E.O. 10289 by Executive Order 11110. E.O. 11110 had been issued by President Kennedy in 1963, and is the subject of a conspiracy theory by author Jim Marrs. As that section was the only part of E. O. 11110 that was in effect, E.O. 12608 effectively revoked the entire Order.

  5. #5
    The E.O. 11110 revocation is mute. That was merely part of a cite from that website. is my latest post on this technology.

    The intent is to merge this with Karl's Lentz's "court of record" technology for its enforcement. Anthony Joseph is studying this approach intensely, and so will "i". Anyone else interested?

    The ISSUE is about the obfuscation of the two options presented in HJR 192 (the INTENT of the TRUST governing the transfer of the people's gold to the United States Treasury) that Congress was FORCED to deliver to mitigate McFadden's charges of theft and treason.

    And realize that the "discharge upon payment" option is not possible without the use of "LAWFUL MONEY"!

    Don't get distracted by minor mute points.
    Last edited by doug555; 03-13-14 at 11:47 PM.

  6. #6
    Alright Doug,

    Major ELI5 here, please post a copy of a check you've received from a client, front and back, after you have stamped it. I receive checks ALL THE TIME (I am a landlord, I just started doing this, and in a way, it feels extremely patriotic). Anyways it would help to see a physical example.

    Also, straighten me out where I have this wrong... In 1932ish, Americans had their gold "stolen" taking both legal and equitable title.

    McFadden charges theft in his 1932 appeal

    The HJR-192 was written claiming indeed, we do have equitable title to the gold which was put into a huge trust, to which we are beneficiaries, congressmen are trustees, we just need to "perform" by discharging the payment. That an obligation can only be discharged UPON PAYMENT. PAYMENT not is required here, PAYMENT requires performance. You state Payment as 1 of the 2 options. If we don't perform, discharging a payment doesn't happen, therefore option 2 kicks in, we use bank credit, scrip etc. which is taxable.


    1. HJR-192 is all about discharging a payment, and has nothing to do with endorsement the way the general public knows it. It is in support of our claims as equitable title to all the gold that was stolen, it was a response to McFadden's charge of outright theft. Is this correct?

    2. If all debt's are then "discharged" upon payment (when we demand lawful money), who does the discharging? I'm imagining the trust as this huge pile of gold / pledged labor of which the congressmen are the trustees. What if everyone demands lawful money, does the trust just discharge all payment. I mean, does this discharge then become like public money, a debt to the people, a currency of the federal gov't (I'm saying this like a good thing, it's like the old greenback's during Lincoln's time.) Instead of FRN's, why don't we just print up our own, in a sense, isn't demanding lawful money printing up public money and paying off or discharging FRNs?

    3. Where does the birth certificate fit in. Once again ELI5. I was born, my parents signed me over to the state, and abandoned me (after 7 years no action), I was presumed dead and the state holds my estate. How do I prove I'm alive!? Did you really "Cancel" your birth certificate? If so, what effect does this have, in my observation, keeping the certificate allows you access to the trust, correct?
    Last edited by mikecz; 03-14-14 at 01:20 PM. Reason: clarity

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by mikecz View Post
    3. Where does the birth certificate fit in. Once again ELI5. I was born, my parents signed me over to the state, and abandoned me (after 7 years no action), I was presumed dead and the state holds my estate. How do I prove I'm alive!? Did you really "Cancel" your birth certificate? If so, what effect does this have, in my observation, keeping the certificate allows you access to the trust, correct?
    “First, the perpetrators get personal identifying information including Social Security numbers and dates of birth,” Fishman said. “And they make sure that those checks are mailed to locations that they control.”

    Hummmm... You have to wonder where they get the dates of birth from? Do they just make it up out of thin air?

    A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is an identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. It is issued either by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or by the IRS. A Social Security number (SSN) is issued by the SSA whereas all other TINs are issued by the IRS.

    Sands provided the confidential source with documents that contained personal identifying information, including names, dates of birth, and social security numbers, for approximately 64 stolen identities.

    * If the Form W-7 is for a deceased individual under 18 years of age, one of the documents proving identity and/or foreign status must be a birth certificate, unless a passport is submitted.

    In addition to a passport, examples of acceptable documentation include: national identification card (showing photo, name, current address, date of birth and expiration date); civil birth certificate; foreign driver's license; or visa. A complete list of acceptable documentation can be found in the Form W-7 Instructions (PDF).

    Don't want to bore you with the rest, all points lead to the Social Security number as an identification number so they say.

    Unless your Social Security card has your picture on it, it's useless by itself. It can be used in tandem with something that has your picture on it, such as a driver's license, which confirms that number is yours though.
    Last edited by Chex; 03-14-14 at 05:38 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by mikecz View Post
    Alright Doug,

    Major ELI5 here, please post a copy of a check you've received from a client, front and back, after you have stamped it. I receive checks ALL THE TIME (I am a landlord, I just started doing this, and in a way, it feels extremely patriotic). Anyways it would help to see a physical example.

    Also, straighten me out where I have this wrong... In 1932ish, Americans had their gold "stolen" taking both legal and equitable title.

    McFadden charges theft in his 1932 appeal

    The HJR-192 was written claiming indeed, we do have equitable title to the gold which was put into a huge trust, to which we are beneficiaries, congressmen are trustees, we just need to "perform" by discharging the payment. That an obligation can only be discharged UPON PAYMENT. PAYMENT not is required here, PAYMENT requires performance. You state Payment as 1 of the 2 options. If we don't perform, discharging a payment doesn't happen, therefore option 2 kicks in, we use bank credit, scrip etc. which is taxable.


    1. HJR-192 is all about discharging a payment, and has nothing to do with endorsement the way the general public knows it. It is in support of our claims as equitable title to all the gold that was stolen, it was a response to McFadden's charge of outright theft. Is this correct?

    2. If all debt's are then "discharged" upon payment (when we demand lawful money), who does the discharging? I'm imagining the trust as this huge pile of gold / pledged labor of which the congressmen are the trustees. What if everyone demands lawful money, does the trust just discharge all payment. I mean, does this discharge then become like public money, a debt to the people, a currency of the federal gov't (I'm saying this like a good thing, it's like the old greenback's during Lincoln's time.) Instead of FRN's, why don't we just print up our own, in a sense, isn't demanding lawful money printing up public money and paying off or discharging FRNs?

    3. Where does the birth certificate fit in. Once again ELI5. I was born, my parents signed me over to the state, and abandoned me (after 7 years no action), I was presumed dead and the state holds my estate. How do I prove I'm alive!? Did you really "Cancel" your birth certificate? If so, what effect does this have, in my observation, keeping the certificate allows you access to the trust, correct?

    Good question about "stamp"! Because I do not "stamp" anything on any of my employer's or broker's checks to me. Instead, I simply handwrite my demand on my deposit slips for same. Example of a deposit slip demand (same location on front of my personal checks, just under my name and address):

    Name:  Deposit Slip demand.jpg
Views: 2616
Size:  28.4 KB

    1. YES; FED Endorsement is the default choice. The other "discharge upon payment" requires lawful money which is now the transfer of equitable title to the peoples credit-labor (real value) as effected by the performance of your indorsement of bills and demanding lawful money (which means you require an exchange of value for value, dollar for dollar!) to enable the "full discharge and acquittance per 12 USC 95a(2) provided for by this military govt.

    2. IMO, the IRS, as agent of US Treasury, does the discharge based upon the 1040 Returns, which is the only vehicle that facilitates this reduction for most Americans that reports what is rightly presumed, by default, to be the total amount of FRNs used by you. This is now your chance, and duty as a good beneficiary in peace with this military rule system, annually, to rebut that presumption by a Federal Rule of Evidence 803(6)(B) "Exception to Hearsay" record of your demand made on your checks and deposit slips, to wit: "lawful money and full discharge is demanded for all tranactions 12 USC 411, 95(2)".

    The "bill" already is currency. It is a credit voucher. And when indorsed with lawful money demand on its face, it acts like lawful money in that it effectively transfer your equitable tittle to the credit amount on the bill to the US Treasury. There is no need to have silver or gold-backed currency. Our labor is the "gold" - the real true fundamental and elemental value. Our labor is Infinite Universal Value that we can "Deposit" -- hence, the reason for the creating and naming of ""!

    3. My Proof of Life is on record at the county to rebut presumption of death. It is not hard to do.

    The COLB creates a PERSON identified by the NAME of an INFANT that is presumed abandoned by the mother/informant at a birth event and, after seven years of non-appearance/activity, is also presumed dead, enabling the State to become the Executor of the INFANT’s “estate” in probate. However, this presumption of death always has the possibility of being rebutted by a subsequent “appearance” of the INFANT as being “alive”. Therefore, this equitable title exists in the form of a “reversionary interest” in this INFANT’s property/labor “estate”. Once Proof of Life* for INFANT is established, said “reversionary interest” in the decedent’s estate re-vests in the INFANT as the “living beneficiary” of same. Said INFANT must thereafter, in order to honorably perform the terms of the 1933 constructive trust to discharge obligations incurred by said INFANT, assign or transfer (partially or wholly) said “reversionary interest”, in the form of lawful money demanded (12 USC 411), to the United States who, in turn, as trustee thereof, must then apply said lawful money interest payment as full discharge of the obligation to the extent thereof by operation of law (12 USC 95a(2)).

    The COLB is your indemnification receipt and your holding of it entitles you to said indemnification and the equitable title contained therein. You're right - Don't ever cancel it!

    For more info, see:
    Last edited by doug555; 03-14-14 at 11:01 PM.

  9. #9
    I think I will disagree with you , Doug. The COLB is the title to your person, and by registering it, the Dept of Labor (is this maternity we are discussing?) makes a presumptive claim on your body. They create a Limited Liability Corporation in your NAME, for your use, while you participate in being a surety for the corporate government's debt. All assets put into your NAME are held in legal title by the military, with the equitable title held by the corporation, president Obummer as current trustee. YOU have no rights, including the right to own property, so any time you use your NAME to title something (car, house, bank account), you are gifting that asset to the trust, and you have only the right to naked use, and the corporation has the right first to boss you around, since you are now an employee of the corporation, with no Constitutional rights, and second, to tax you for the use of your own assets! Proving you are alive will not do anything about your estate, as you have none; you gave it to the corporation, when you failed to rebut the presumption that you wanted your assets and future labor pledged to the national debt (banksters). You the living man are viewed by the corporation as an 'animal' under 7 USC 6 26. And your LLC is owned by the state, and everything titled in your NAME is theirs.

    Now in God's usufruct, the living are not controlled by the dead, so the state owns only the LLC they created for your (naked) use; they do not own you, unless you volunteer. The way to unvolunteer is not to claim that you are alive, as the corporate government cannot recognize you dead or alive, they see only corporate entities (dead, ficticious). When you use lawful money, it is foreign currency to the US govt, because it discharges debt (which FRN's definitely do not; they establish a lien against the asset 'bought', since you endorsed the notes used to 'pay' for the asset, and if the notes are dishonored, they can come to you to make the debt good). So demanding lawful money rebuts the presumption that you want to gift the asset to the corporation, ie, that you want to be a surety for the debt. Items purchased with lawful money are thus not encumbered with a lien in favor of the Fed Reserve, but if you put them in your NAME, you have just confirmed the presumption that you want to gift them to the state. Bummer.

    Now unless you were born within Washington, DC, you are an American Citizen by birth (cool, dual citizenship). And citizenship is a First Amendment right; you have the absolute right to choose who you will affiliate with, do business with, enter into contracts with, etc. So you can be an American Citizen whenever you choose to do so; as an American Citizen, you have God-given rights (which the Constitution prevents the government from interfering with), among which is the right to own property. So you can title your assets in your own name, and the corporate government cannot tax them. All taxes on property are direct taxes, and must be apportioned to the states, unless it is the corporate government taxing its own property to you, the presumptively volunteer debt slave user, who has no property or rights.

    So there is little value in trying to convince the government that you are alive; they don't care about you, they just want title to your assets, so they can tax them with a tax that would be unConstitutional without your (presumed) consent. To rebut your consent, don't use the LLC they created for you; use your own name (its not all caps...)


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Freed Gerdes View Post
    I think I will disagree with you , Doug. The COLB is the title to your person, and by registering it, the Dept of Labor (is this maternity we are discussing?) makes a presumptive claim on your body. They create a Limited Liability Corporation in your NAME, for your use, while you participate in being a surety for the corporate government's debt. All assets put into your NAME are held in legal title by the military, with the equitable title held by the corporation, president Obummer as current trustee. YOU have no rights, including the right to own property, so any time you use your NAME to title something (car, house, bank account), you are gifting that asset to the trust, and you have only the right to naked use, and the corporation has the right first to boss you around, since you are now an employee of the corporation, with no Constitutional rights, and second, to tax you for the use of your own assets! Proving you are alive will not do anything about your estate, as you have none; you gave it to the corporation, when you failed to rebut the presumption that you wanted your assets and future labor pledged to the national debt (banksters). You the living man are viewed by the corporation as an 'animal' under 7 USC 6 26. And your LLC is owned by the state, and everything titled in your NAME is theirs.

    Now in God's usufruct, the living are not controlled by the dead, so the state owns only the LLC they created for your (naked) use; they do not own you, unless you volunteer. The way to unvolunteer is not to claim that you are alive, as the corporate government cannot recognize you dead or alive, they see only corporate entities (dead, ficticious). When you use lawful money, it is foreign currency to the US govt, because it discharges debt (which FRN's definitely do not; they establish a lien against the asset 'bought', since you endorsed the notes used to 'pay' for the asset, and if the notes are dishonored, they can come to you to make the debt good). So demanding lawful money rebuts the presumption that you want to gift the asset to the corporation, ie, that you want to be a surety for the debt. Items purchased with lawful money are thus not encumbered with a lien in favor of the Fed Reserve, but if you put them in your NAME, you have just confirmed the presumption that you want to gift them to the state. Bummer.

    Now unless you were born within Washington, DC, you are an American Citizen by birth (cool, dual citizenship). And citizenship is a First Amendment right; you have the absolute right to choose who you will affiliate with, do business with, enter into contracts with, etc. So you can be an American Citizen whenever you choose to do so; as an American Citizen, you have God-given rights (which the Constitution prevents the government from interfering with), among which is the right to own property. So you can title your assets in your own name, and the corporate government cannot tax them. All taxes on property are direct taxes, and must be apportioned to the states, unless it is the corporate government taxing its own property to you, the presumptively volunteer debt slave user, who has no property or rights.

    So there is little value in trying to convince the government that you are alive; they don't care about you, they just want title to your assets, so they can tax them with a tax that would be unConstitutional without your (presumed) consent. To rebut your consent, don't use the LLC they created for you; use your own name (its not all caps...)

    I will have to research your reply and get back to you... Thanks for your input.

    I am in agreement with Boris and his "usufruct" paradigm...

    Links to Boris's material and audios is in Message #2 of this thread.

    My research on "usufruct" is in my folder at:

    Perhaps you have not seen this material yet...
    Last edited by doug555; 03-14-14 at 11:55 PM.

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