Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

What good is an aircraft without anyone to fly it? Re: Profits. The word sacrifice connotes giving up of something for a greater gain not for a lesser. Profit need not always be monetary or carnal.

If they are collecting the tax for me/us and I/we add to my own Treasury how would I/we be harming myself/ourselves?
Sacrifice is exactly what we are talking about - sacrifice in FULL for the benefit of all the living.

Do you make it a habit to have someone take cash out of your pocket and deposit it back in to the bank account you use?

I do not believe it is our own 'Treasury'; that entity stores illusionary "wealth" which is NO part of the Kingdom of the Most High. Will you take your 'Treasury' with you when you die?

The 'Treasury' is a tool of the commercial realm and I wish no part of it. I will happily "render unto Caesar ALL that is Caesar's". "Caesar" has no claim to the physical earth or anything in it. That belongs to God and His sons and daughters are the heirs.

I believe Boris' approach holds true to that idea.