Their or theirs is defined as a presumed ownership through a presumed authority which dares or deceives others to believe it is true

stuff is defined as "a false image of the real" it is part of the dead world, paper, statutes, etc.

An Example: A deed is an image of the actual house. The house is real. The deed only re-presents the house. It is through our ignorance that we ACCEPT the deed as real house. How does failure "to pay" a mortgage dare foreclose on that house? If the original mortgage was created by a signature, how does the law support paper foreclosing on the real house? It makes no sense MORALLY. There is no money - just dead paper WE PRESUME has value.

Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Who is "they" in the "their stuff" part?

*I have never filed a UCC-1 nor plan to. I'm trying to find out something different. :-)