Quote Originally Posted by insa80 View Post
Aren't they the same thing?
One is Physical the other is mental but you're still getting hurt badly either way.
I think chronic pain s worse because I've seen it lead straight to death

Welcome Insa80;

I find that there are more than just physical and mental components to healthy living. That you address more than physical is fairly rare.

Especially with radiation poisoning though, I find it interesting that you address mental at all. I have not studied into it very much but find Fukushima to be what we were warned about in high school ('70's). This will manifest fully when the radioactive coolant water leaks out of the cracked tank, into the ocean.

I am not an expert. What I understand is that there is basically a sun inside burning away and the technicians are using water to keep it from burning up the radioactive core all at once. They cannot put it out but control it a little. when the water boils they circulate it and the water becomes very radioactive after it is cycled through a few times. This water is the danger, as it is difficult to keep from the ocean water.

The poisoning comes from the radioactive water and dust becoming lodged in tissues like the thyroid gland. The radioactivity makes the mitosis of cells (unzipping and rezipping of DNA strands during cellular reproduction) unpredictable and when a reproducible flaw in the DNA becomes prevalent the victim of radiation poison develops cancer, tumors and even genetic mutation that can be passed down through reproduction.

My little Geiger counter seems to only detect things that are just right there in front of me like with food, or here, a Radium treated compass from WWI times. It does not seem very effective for just sensing settled dust, or maybe the Rocky Mountains are helping keep this far side from the contamination I hear about on the West Coast and Salt Lake City. For now anyway, background radiation is staying around 30 clicks/minute or about one click every two seconds.

If one can suffer the effects of radiation poisoning mentally though, or more like psychosomatic, that might open the door to evading symptoms and effects? I know emotions and outlook play a part anyway. Peace and joy promote health.


David Merrill.