David - it is not important we agree - but to be open to a different POV.

It is my opinion that "IN GOD WE TRUST" on what is referred to on the money - is not the same God you think it is. To me - this means IN THE STATE WE TRUST. Now you ask why? OK On a spiritual side - The Creator has provided everything FREELY GIVEN to every living Being for his use, possession, control and dominion over. The living soul DOES NOT OWN IT. We, as men are being tricked to believe that "FRNS" are our savior, a false god, in violation of the 10 commandments. Do you put your trust in the Real God or the false god? It is a test.

By definition per the SOT website

Federal Reserve notes are not redeemable in gold, silver or any other commodity, and receive no backing by anything This has been the case since 1933. The notes have no value for themselves, but for what they will buy. In another sense, because they are legal tender, Federal Reserve notes are "backed" by all the goods and services in the economy.

So logically - TO ME - this trust you refer to is backed by nothing other than real men who perform some function in society. Those public servants swear an oath to the State not to God. This is why a Lois Lerner can get a way with what she is about to get away with - she has an oath to the State and the State must protect her. She must protect the public trust - the public trust is a fiction. The value is man not the trust. The trust is written on a piece of paper. Man uses real things. paper is a dead tree representing the real. The pope is the Head trustee and the Vicar of Christ here on earth.

And here we agree - The public employee basically makes an agree with the devil or state to uphold all the bankrupt public policy statutes of the US. The public servant MUST serve the public and only the public. You, the man are private - however, you have an indemnity receipt for indemnification for the public property you use called a name. Man indirectly receives a benefit where everything man does here on earth is to PUBLICALLY glorify Caesar - however, in private he honors his Creator AND all is well. The public servant under the rules of bankruptcy in the public policy statutes have a manner in which to DISCHARGE all obligations under the current system. FIRST man must rebut any presumption of THEIR status AND be willing to give Caesar all the glory [meaning no warring as an enemy of the State] AND then ACT as a man by not intermeddling by making false claims to public property.

Again, David or anyone - DO WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU. Play in their sandbox. From my understanding, our friend, Dean Clifford, who is a man wanted to "war and play" - there is a cost. THEY can change the rules anytime they want in order to protect that fictional public trust. A comment about the AFV - sometimes they work, sometimes they do not. WHY is this? Carefully think why. Are you authorized to discharge public obligation?

All we have to do is accept and acknowledge what has ALREADY been done. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor”. – Declaration of Independence

And so David is comfortable with not insulting me - I offer this about MY opinions: WTF do I know?

Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
I am uncertain if you are posing questions or not.

The IN GOD WE TRUST Trust on money assures value in a trust. The officials under a tenet of monotheism swear in and validate the office before that same God. Therefore the Oath of Office may be accepted for value as notice that violations of the bills of rights will be met by a bill of indictment.

Traditionally also is that upon proof of this violation of statute (constitutions) the official is without judicial or sovereign immunity and becomes personally liable.

Above in my post I must admit I came against Boris/A4V acutely simply because I have wanted to see some good examples of successful A4V, and have only collected a few myself. In all fairness I should disclose a certain perspective that cuts through the dross of fashioning a formidable Bill of Indictment through a grand jury, in a system that will tend to protect its own officials.

Instead of a Bill of Indictment my heritage as a Patroon allows me simple billing process through access to the Municipal CODE as old as the Levite Priesthood itself, called waiver of tort[/URL].

This is why I say it seems condescending. I refer to a specific bloodline when this is simply how I was able to see the redemption heritage through my own example and demonstration. I am not special.

My point specifically is that there may be other instances where Treasury monies are available through Acceptance for Value. It just becomes frustrating over the years waiting for somebody to come up with good examples that are easy to verify as reproducible.


David Merrill.