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Thread: Birth Certificate - What it is

  1. #61
    And stated that way, I agree. Regardless of what is the definition of God is, there is "contract". Unfortunately, all the words used: Trust, God, Oath, Security, Agreement DO NOT pertain to the Creator but rather an image of a false god, appearing real.

    There is only One Law, a Supreme Royal Law. There is only One God, Supreme, Divine, Perfect, Complete, Holy. That Law is immutable. Man's law does not even come close to second rate. it can't. God did not create "money". God did, does and will give everything IN His creation FREELY with Infinite Love. To put the phrase: IN GOD WE TRUST" on what is legally known to be, under man's law [or as an "intention" spiritually speaking] as a debt instrument where men, women and child are nothing more than chattel to other men, is nothing but a slap in the face to the Real Creator. God created all men equal. And that is what some men want - to be the supreme god as in a "corporate takeover". It ain't goin to happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    That is what I was pointing out. IN GOD WE TRUST and the Oath before that same God forms a security agreement with the Treasury (state treasury).

  2. #62
    Senior Member
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    Quote from David from another thread.
    "I don't think so. If you are redeeming lawful money then the obligations are set out by the signatures."

    When someone signs papers with words on it there is an obligation that follows the signature.
    So what is the obligation that the RG acquires when he signs the BC?

  3. #63
    I've taken to just putting the demand for lawful money on the check without signature:
    and found the bank's ATM has no problem with it.

  4. #64
    I can appreciate the idealism. However, to most people God is invisible. I had to work rather hard to finally "see" God (in the Table of Relative Weights balancing the naturally occurring isotopes) and even so, I am not all that convincing.

    Quote Originally Posted by salsero View Post
    And stated that way, I agree. Regardless of what is the definition of God is, there is "contract". Unfortunately, all the words used: Trust, God, Oath, Security, Agreement DO NOT pertain to the Creator but rather an image of a false god, appearing real.

    There is only One Law, a Supreme Royal Law. There is only One God, Supreme, Divine, Perfect, Complete, Holy. That Law is immutable. Man's law does not even come close to second rate. it can't. God did not create "money". God did, does and will give everything IN His creation FREELY with Infinite Love. To put the phrase: IN GOD WE TRUST" on what is legally known to be, under man's law [or as an "intention" spiritually speaking] as a debt instrument where men, women and child are nothing more than chattel to other men, is nothing but a slap in the face to the Real Creator. God created all men equal. And that is what some men want - to be the supreme god as in a "corporate takeover". It ain't goin to happen.

    I suspect that one must acquire an understanding about the distinction between:

    1) Faith in Jesus
    2) Faith of Jesus

    So ask yourself this question:

    When Jesus asked a patient prior to healing, Do you have faith? Did Jesus mean, Do you have faith that I will be Resurrected as the Only Begotten Son of God? Or did Jesus mean, Do you have the same faith in God the Father that I do?

    Do you put your faith in me? or Do you have the same faith you will be healed that I do?

    Without this distinction one cannot discern a man of faith. This distinction means the difference whether Jesus is The Example, or The Exception.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-31-14 at 10:52 AM.

  5. #65
    Herein lies the problem. If you sense an invisible "god" and it is an "ideal", well - there can not be much more after those comments.

    The Creator created everything, this includes a Hitler, Barry, Geo to Mother Teresa. Each "thing" created has the spark of Divine. Some "thing" may appear bad or evil but this is false because the Creator can NOT create that which he is not. So you ask: Then how is there the appearance of evil? There is an appearance due to a gift called "free will". ACIM says - at one point we, as spirits, had so much power, we had an idea what it would be like to "not live in eternal bliss" and with that thought - we find ourselves dealing with Hillary for 2016.

    I am not moved by appearances, therefore appearances move. I guess you can use the word faith - but to me it has to ne something greater than faith. To me, I like this thinking more: Boy does this shit suck, ok there must be something in this for me to learn, ok let me step back and think a little - then be open to a response, I ask to see "something - a clue". then most of the time a light bulb goes on - not always. At times I say: "WTF?" - there must be an easier way to learn something. When is everyone going to wake up? When is this appearance of evil going to evaporate from planet earth?

    I have studied spirituality for some years - I went to Brazil to see John of God. I physically saw healing that "can not be done in our common sense". God don't do common sense. God is Common Sense. God is health - he does not heal. It is the man who goes into alignment with his Creator.


    Stop analyzing is - yes you must start this way - just move on. You will begin to see those "proving results" in minor time. You can look into Christian Science and Ho'oponopono - if you choose to do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I can appreciate the idealism. However, to most people God is invisible. I had to work rather hard to finally "see" God (in the Table of Relative Weights balancing the naturally occurring isotopes) and even so, I am not all that convincing.

    I suspect that one must acquire an understanding about the distinction between:

    1) Faith in Jesus
    2) Faith of Jesus

    So ask yourself this question:

    When Jesus asked a patient prior to healing, Do you have faith? Did Jesus mean, Do you have faith that I will be Resurrected as the Only Begotten Son of God? Or did Jesus mean, Do you have the same faith in God the Father that I do?

    Do you put your faith in me? or Do you have the same faith you will be healed that I do?

    Without this distinction one cannot discern a man of faith. This distinction means the difference whether Jesus is The Example, or The Exception.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    That is what I was pointing out. IN GOD WE TRUST and the Oath before that same God forms a security agreement with the Treasury (state treasury).

    Ergo you can utilize the System's testimony of faith. No need for Rules of Evidence - everybody knows the Treasury's testimony is IN GOD WE TRUST as it is all over the currency. I am not saying the System testifies so, I simply have evidence that this is the System's testimony. I do not have to conjure up any more metaphysics than what the System is already conjuring.

    The oaths of office follow the same Form of Oaths. All officials must swear in to validate their Office before that same Ever-living God found on the currency. There is only one God! Everybody immersed in monotheism knows that. This is how the security agreement is built.

    The USGS (Geodetic Survey) testified for me that the Summit of Mount Herman is 9,035 feet above the High Tide and therefore out of admiralty jurisdiction. Get it? I used the US' confession of faith and testimony so that Robert E. RUBIN resigned in time to make the 5:00 News! Within a few weeks somebody climbed the mountain and destroyed the placard, having to carry a sledge hammer to the top of the mountain! Now who would do that?


    David Merrill.

    P.S. One should note that the Oath of the Luciferian Rebellion took place on Mount Hermon!

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    This connects directly to my work on the Table of Relative Weights, where I proved the existence of God as Law, as the angles of the Pentagram are 72 Degrees and the Fibonacci Sequence relates to the 72-Fold Name of God too. The ideal Standard for the best resonance of the naturally occurring isotopes is Germanium 72! So do not confuse my post please, with a lack of faith - simply utilize the record and the Law will prevail!

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    Mount Herman, Colorado.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-01-14 at 02:21 PM.

  7. #67
    David - I basically understand what you are saying. I do not agree. There is a HOWEVER though. In law, definition of a word is everything. Bill Clinton asked - what does "is" mean? We all know from the word "person" has a different meaning in law then our everyday meaning. The whole point of law is to trick, deceive, falsify, cheat, manipulate all for the purpose of protecting a public trust through repatriation of FRNs or under 26 USC 165[g] - worthless securities which are debt obligation of the US 18 USC 8.

    In my opinion, an oath of office is a contract with Satan. This contract is entered into knowingly, intentionally and voluntarily. It is an official exchanging worthless FRNs for the RIGHT, under man's law to exercise control over a population in some "official capacity" [which begs the questions, who provides this authority to make it official?]. One man has no authority over another man, as we were all created equal. God does not do official authorities to some men over other men - God does not have signature notarized either to validate someone's authority over another. Silly concept, isn't it?

    There mere fact that man COULD equate IN GOD WE TRUST on money where God Don't Do Money, as everything on this planet was graciously provided freely for all men equally to use, possess, and have dominion over says that man wants superior claim to full ownership - which can and will never happen. Hillary, Barry, Nancy, Harry, Geo, Soros, Zbrinsky, Rothchilds, Al those superior beings of god-like grandeur [in their minds, of course] is the IN GOD WE TRUST - they classify themselves to be - trust in money, our money, we are god. These highly intelligent people have conned mankind into believing MONEY and power are the REAL SOURCE to man's ills. This is simply an error.

    There is only One Source, One Creator. There are no seconds or thirds. Until people start to wake up and SOON, those false gods are going to do horrific un-godly acts to them for their disobedience to the Royal Law, as moving against that Royal Law demands not so good consequences. THe con job is to have men think these PTB are referring to the One God. This is not the case. If this were the case, there would be no wars, no poverty, no money, no sickness, no drugs, everyone would have food, housing, and all their NEEDS MET without issue.

    I suspect taking a watch of fox news [you know, fair, balanced and unafraid] one can see the vets scandal [little does everyone realize tptb want to have the vets killed off], IRS, Benghazi, etc. If those public officials had taken an oath to the Living One God as opposed to man as god, we would have heaven on earth. No, those oaths are to the IMF, world bank, etc.

    When Kathleen Sibelius was asked to comment about people calling for her resignation, she properly answered "I don't work for them", in other words, those people are sureties, my job is to step on them, I am hired by unknown and unelected international bankers to do their work, I took an oath to them. YAY!!!!

    [QUOTE=David Merrill;14212]

    The oaths of office follow the same Form of Oaths. All officials must swear in to validate their Office before that same Ever-living God found on the currency. There is only one God! Everybody immersed in monotheism knows that. This is how the security agreement is built.

  8. #68
    We all know from the word "person" has a different meaning in law then our everyday meaning.

    You might better understand my perspective if you were to assign a certain and specific numerical quality to the word person and realize it is not what people think of it that counts, it holds a certain power in its formation. Person always means the same thing.

  9. #69

  10. #70
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salsero View Post
    In my opinion, an oath of office is a contract with Satan.

    One reading the Holy Scriptures found in Genesis will take notice that Cain was given the Rule. I find it quite interesting that the sons of Cain were granted the authority to rule over Rebellion. Both the man and his wife rebelled against the rule of Elohim. And that would make them outlaws in regard to the Law of Elohim. I agree with you salsero, I too, as Paul, model the State as Satan in the sense that clearly the State is secular without the Church. Or you might say without the Commonwealth of Israel [spiritual Israel].

    HOWEVER, with my whole heart I believe that the only way out is to be in accord with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The powers that be attempt to lead us into rebellion which is against the Gospel and as such, they have their warrant to smash all in rebellion. So I always try to show that I am not in rebellion but am lawful according to the laws of the realm.

    Rebellion is akin to witchcraft.

    I am not saying that wickedness in high places does not exist - but nevertheless we are not to rebel - for if I think that I can change the government, then I must also by needs be undertake in the ministry of Condemnation - which is against my calling - I undertake in the ministry of Reconciliation. I am not called to pass judgment upon another. Let the blind lead the blind. I can only change myself. As Jesus said - "Ye would have no power except that which my Father has granted you" - speaking to Pilate. For he who picks up a sword will die by it. For what does two swords have to do with the Prince of peace except rebellion? And Jesus said "it is enough". The sword I carry is The Word. Let the sons of Cain fight it out. It is not my bailiwick.

    This is why I look at guys like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones as agent provocateurs. In my opinion, these incite the people to possibly rebel against the powers that be and thus Cain is justified in squashing that rebellion and thus Cain grows stronger.

    Now therefore I am commanded to live a quiet life if possible. As such, the sons of Cain have setup a system but if they think their hand is high and this was all their doing - they need to think again!

    Deu 32:27 Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy, lest their adversaries should behave themselves strangely, and lest they should say, Our hand is high, and the LORD hath not done all this.

    My only recourse is to fall in line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in totality. For therein is my shield. I grant you it appears to be a weak position, until one realizes that there is no Cain absent Yehovah. Ceasar's stuff? Yes and no. Who granted Ceasar the right to sit? So should I lead others into rebellion against Ceasar's state? No. For to do so is to lead them into destruction.

    So I find that Jesus Christ warned Cain in no uncertain terms:

    Mat 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    So what is Cain looking for? Your express trust MUST match your implied trust! But who benefits from both Cain and Seth? Father El Elyon does!

    For those children that went astray [prodigal] most times need a bit of tribulation in their lives before they will stop in their way and consider their Maker. There is a grand plan. One walking in the way of Jesus Christ by my reasoning is NOT walking under his own authority!

    That one is dead in Christ. Meaning that one has PLEDGED his life in trust to Yehoshuah. Now if Jesus holds my life in trust, then I am subject to his will. And I must be attentive to the Directives given by the Holy Spirit. Else I am not dead in Christ but I am living to my own flesh. Now if the latter, then I am without and an outlaw in rebellion! I am Joseph found in the pit. Absent remedy. A slave to Cain.

    1Co 5:1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.

    1Co 5:2 And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.

    1Co 5:3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,

    1Co 5:4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    1Co 5:5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

    Now was Paul telling the Church to go into satanic worship? No! In my opinion, Paul is saying, let the sons of Cain deal with this one in their criminal justice system. Maybe one day that one will realize how good is the Law of God. For it is Love.

    I always run into my High Tower. And it is a true statement that when I am weak, I am the strongest. For then I lean the hardest upon my Father. Now I wonder why I just can't do that all day everyday? Alas we are in this dimension of the flesh - awaiting the adoption.

    Nevertheless my mind is transformed. I realize that a man rebelling against the State rebels against God. For God ordained Cain to rule over both the good and the evil. Now please do not misunderstand me, I am not condoning the worship of Satan and when I say that I am not to rebel that does not mean I am to abandon Torah. On the contrary I uphold Torah by not condemning Cain.

    Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

    Mat 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    Considering the "poor estate" of one who would say to their father "I wish you were dead give me my estate now so that I may go away from you and live apart from you" - consider our existence in this dimension. In light of our previous existence? Intuitively you know if you just think about it - Where did I come from if not from God?

    And who were these stars SINGING?

    Job 38:1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
    Job 38:4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
    Job 38:6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;
    Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

    Oh yes, friend, the daughters and the sons delighted to see the Earth in its FIRST creation - before it fell into vanity.

    Now then back on topic. So let me get this straight. Man gives God lip service, yet man refuses to keep God's way. In fact we know that many a man denies Torah. And then man complains because he does not want to keep man's law. Talk about rebellion. Therefore I see Cain as a "Rod of Iron" = An INSTRUCTOR to the Rebellious.

    The righteous refuse to rebel and the righteous live by faith in their God. For if my life is in trust with Yehoshuah, then what of my choices? I am a subject of my King - and therefore I shall do what my King commands of me. Nevertheless, I seek a better relationship than that:

    Psa 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
    Psa 46:11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.


    Hab 2:4 Behold [the proud one], his [the lawless one's] soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but a righteous one shall live by faith [fidelity].

    It gets a bit interesting when one considers the "little foxes" that spoil the vine. I find some who realize they can gain exponentially by promoting rebellion. For their has always been a power up close and comfortable with the real ruling authority.

    Son 2:14 O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places of the cliff, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely.

    Son 2:15 Catch for us ... foxes, ... little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vineyards are in bloom.

    Son 2:16 My beloved is mine, and I am his: he who feedest among the lilies.

    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 06-02-14 at 10:41 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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